"This is not the type of place you set up trade," Kai said carefully.

"It's the type of place you go when you need to buy something like Wraith enzyme?" Sheppard asked leaning forward eagerly in his seat.

Kai nodded, peaking up at them through her lashes. "Exactly."

Weir looked back and forth between them. "Look," She said briskly. "I'm not sure how comfortable I am with some kind of black market-"

"It's fine," John responded quickly. He wanted to stop Elizabeth from saying no. Sometimes she could get locked into an answer before they had a chance to get all the information and this sounded like the best chance of finding Ford. "I'll take a team and-"

"It's not that type of place either Colonel" Kai said interrupting him.

"So how do you propose to get the information?" Weir asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Kai pressed her lips together. This was the part of the plan that might end up being potentially dangerous. "I am owed by one of the proprietors of one of the...establishments," Kai explained carefully. "I'll go, cash in my favor, gather what information I can and return."

"If this was a place you frequented in your..." Teyla hesitated. "Previous career," she finally found the words. "Isn't there a risk that the leaders of your planet would discover you are still alive?"

Kai pressed her lips together grimly. It was a huge risk. She just hadn't anticipated any of them realizing it. She had never told any of them what would happen if The Grand Council found out she was still alive and hadn't returned. But Teyla always saw more than she let on. The only chance Kai stood was if she moved fast and didn't leave any clue about her affiliation with Atlantis. "I can manage," she promised quickly.

Teyla narrowed her gaze and Sheppard outright scowled at her. "You're not going alone," he said.

"Colonel I-"

"That's final," he growled. John's tone and posture made it clear arguing would do no good.

Weir leaned forward in her chair. "I agree. If you insist a full team is a bad idea then I will respect that, but the Colonel will be accompanying you," she said glancing towards Sheppard.

He nodded grimly. "And back up will be on stand by. Major Lorne's team plus Teyla," John added, knowing the newbies would need someone experienced in the Pegasus.

Kai looked mutinous for a moment but finally nodded. "Agreed."

"Good," Weir said standing. "Go see what you can find out," she closed her folder and stood, heading towards the door.

Kai stood more slowly.

"When should we leave?" Sheppard asked her.

"We have to change," she said firmly. "No evidence of the earth or Atlantis is safe on Lodan...so I don't know if you can..." she dragged of gesturing towards the Colonel's military clothes. She had never seen Sheppard look like anything but a soldier.

Teyla stood. "Lodan?" She asked in a carefully neutral voice. Her mouth tightened but she nodded. "I will assist the Colonel," she promised.

Kai 's eyebrows rose towards her hairline but she didn't comment. "Then I'll see you in the locker room," Kai agreed.

John and Teyla had been in the locker room for less than ten minutes when the door opened. John looked up and froze as Kai stepped into the brightly lit room looking entirely badass. She wore leather pants, knee high leather boots, and a fitted black turtleneck. Her scarf was wrapped around her hair, leaving a cowl loop hanging over one shoulder. She had put more makeup around her eyes than he had ever seen her use. Every one of her knives were visible leaving no doubt that she knew how to use them.

Trust Once Broken | SGA John SheppardWhere stories live. Discover now