Chapter 22

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Dedicated to Liana (Forever_Hariana) on her birthday. Love you ❤️

Since Liana likes to go shopping let's make a Paris shopping spree chapter or something. ❤️



"Bethany I wanna buy you stuff." Harry says as we walk through Paris.

"Harry." I whine as I look at his wide smile.

"Please? I like spoiling you." He says with a chuckle.

I sigh, well it's Paris right?

"Okay." I say in defeat making him throw his arms up in victory.

This boy worries me.

We walk inside a mall and I couldn't believe my eyes. The shops looked so fancy and expensive!

"Okay we came, we saw, we go." I say as I turn around.

"Nope." Harry says popping the 'p' as he twirls me around.

"Harry, don't waste money on me." I say and cross my arms.

"I'm not wasting it, I'm just buying what you want and giving it to you as a gift." He says.

"That's wasting money on me."

He pulls me inside a shop.

I've never seen a boy so into shopping.

"Why are you so into shopping?" I ask him.

"I hate shopping really, I just want this to be perfect for you, besides, shopping with you isn't that bad."

"Awe." I say poking his dimples.

He kisses my cheek before I start browsing through stuff. I like a lot of stuff but when I look at the price tag.. that's a no no.

"Hmm.." I say and turn around to see something unexpected.

Harry grabs a purse and starts walking like a model on a catwalk making me laugh.

"What are you doing?" I say laughing.

"Getting distracted, it's boring here but I like you being happy so." He says as he puts the purse back in its place.

"I see." I say smiling.

I end up buying one purse as we leave.

"No more, this purse was expensive I told you not to buy it." I say sternly.

"You were drooling over it, you wanted it so badly so now you have it." He says as I swing my new purse.

I roll my eyes as we enter a fancy coffee shop. We order our drinks as we sit down at a table. I look across from our table to see a guy staring at me, weird. Harry turns around and sees the guy wink at me. Harry is about to stand up but I pull him back down.

"Let's enjoy our vacation okay?" I say with a small smile.

"But he can take you away and if he winks at you one more time I'll-"

"Hey, I'm all yours don't worry about that." I say as I kiss his hand.

He gives me a small smile as our drinks arrive.



"He's at Paris right now."

I clench my fists as I slam them on the table.

"We have to get there fast and kill him. He stole away what was mine, it's now time for revenge." I say as I put my only gun in its bag.

"The next plane leaves in two hours."

"Let's go then."



I smile at Bethany and ask myself for the thousandth time: how did I end up having a perfect girl like her? She's my world, my love, my life. She's my everything. I want her to know that, I want to show her that she is my whole universe.

Before I met her I hated relationships really. I was into dares a lot and that's why I had some "girlfriends" in the past. None of those relationships were real like this one.

It suddenly hit me the awful memory of one of my biggest mistakes in life. I shake my head and push the thought to the back of my mine. That's in the past.

"Harry are you okay?" Bethany asks, concern in her eyes.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I say and put on my best smile.

She smiles back and the memory comes back. A pang of guilt hits me as I look down at my hands.



"Please know that I love you no matter what okay? I always have and always will." I say meaning every word.

"I love you too." She says smiling.

I hope it stays like that.

Probably not.

She'll hate me.

But I messed up.

I messed up big time.

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