Chapter 2

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The door opens and the once noisy classroom that was heard from outside silenced. All eyes were on me as I walked in.

"You must be the new student!" The teacher says.

I nod and the teacher guides me to the front if the room.

"Class, this is Bethany Rossetti she will be taking classes with you guys until the end of the school year."

"Hi." I say with a small smile.

"Miss Rossetti I'm Mr. Den and you can sit with Avery Parker over there." He says pointing to an empty seat beside Avery.

"Thank you." I say giving him a smile as I take a seat beside Avery.

"Hey I'm Avery! Nice meeting you." She says with a warm smile.

"Thanks I'm Bethany. You can call me Beth." I say returning the smile.

The teacher hands me a syllabus and I start writing down the notes on the board. The class ends and I walk with Avery to the locker room.

"Well looks like you've got a secret admirer." Avery says looking from behind me.

"Who?" I ask turning around.

A curly haired boy is staring at me, soon he realizes I caught him so he looks away. His green eyes full of embarrassment.

"He is?" I ask Avery.

"Harry Styles. He's quite a troublesome boy but he isn't mean." She says, putting books in her locker.

"Oh." I say as a blonde girl approaches him.

"That's Vanessa. She's been trying to get Harry to date him for years, she's desperate." Avery says followed by a small laugh.

"Hey Harry." Vanessa says, twirling a strand of blonde hair.

"Don't have pity for her though, she's mean to everyone. That's why Harry will never date her." Avery adds.

I nod and go to my locker. I open it and grab my books. I close the locker to see Vanessa.

"Why are you looking at Harry? You're such a loser!" She says dropping my books.

"Get away from him!" She says annoyed until someone stops her.

"Vanessa stop." Harry says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Vanessa's eyes widen, she tries to say something but huffs and stomps away. I give Harry a small smile and kneel down to grab my stuff. Harry kneels down too and helps me grab my papers.

"Thank you." I say as he gives me my Literature book.

"Anytime beautiful." He says making me blush.

"I was wondering if you want to sit together in science class?" He asks, looking down.

"I would love to." I answer making him look up and smile.

"Let me take that for you." He says getting my books.

I smile and walk beside him to science class.


"Okay class we are making a lab project today." The teacher says.

Avery takes advanced science class so Harry invites me to be his partner.

"Now you are going to dissect a frog. There is one frog per partners so be careful."

I look at the table and there was a dead frog. I scrunch up my nose in disgust making Harry laugh.

"There is a packet with the instructions, both must participate good luck!"



I laugh at Beth's disgusted face.

"Good luck!"

We put on our gloves and Beth gets the instructions.

"First, you cut down from the throat to the stomach, gently, trying not to damage the organs." She says getting a scalpel.

"Okay ladies first." I say smirking.

She rolls her eyes and smiles. She furrows her eyebrows in concentration as she cuts down the frog. I look over to see Louis and Zayn laughing with frog guts on their lab aprons. I laugh and go back to seeing Bethany. She's different and beautiful. She's not like the girls here and I like that.

"I managed to cut down the throat you can cut the rest." She says handing me the scalpel.

"Nope, you are helping Miss Rossetti." I say smirking.

She smiles and I grab her hand. Electricity runs through my veins at the sudden contact with her small hand. I cut down the frog, holding Beth's hand. She smiles and helps me finish.

"Looks like the only ones actually doing it right are Miss Rossetti and Mr Styles." Says the teacher.

"We make a good pair don't we." I say making her blush.

I love how she blushes every time I act flirty with her. I've only known her for today but I really really like her.

Bloom ➳ h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora