Chapter 4

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"Don't leave me please."

I look up to see Harry.

"I'm sorry I don't know what got into me. I'm just going home." I tell him with a small smile.

"No Bethany I'm sorry." He says.

Wait. What?

"Wait. For what?" I ask, cocking my head slightly to the side in confusion.

"For kissing someone I don't have feelings for, I should've kissed you." He says looking down.

Woah woah woah.

"What? You are saying you have feelings for me?" I ask.

"Yea." He says laughing softly.

"Well I also have some feelings for you too." I say making him look up.

"What? Really?" He says, excitement in his voice.

"Yea, but let's take it slow okay?" I tell him.

"Yea." He says with a smile.

He grabs my hand and we intertwine our fingers.

"I'll wait for as long as you want." He says smiling.

I blush and smile at him as we leave the insanely loud party.



She has feelings for me. I'm insanely happy right now. I know she wants to take it slow. I'm gonna ask her out tomorrow. We leave the party and I start to drive. I stop at a stoplight and watch Beth. She's asleep, her hands supporting her perfect face. I smile and decide to take the long way to her apartment building.

"Beth?" I say shaking her slightly.

"Hm?" She asks, fluttering her eyes open.

"We are here." I tell her.

She opens her eyes and looks around her. She smiles and I get out of the car to open the door for her. She gets out and I walk with her to her apartment.

"See you tomorrow." She says smiling.

"Yea, bye Beth." I say smiling.

"Bye Harry."

She opens the door and closes it. I smile and sigh at the night I just spent with her. I hope she's mine someday.


I wake up and bathe myself. I go downstairs to see my aunt cooking breakfast.

"Morning Aunt Margaret." I say, grabbing a pancake.

"Morning Harry." She says smiling.

My aunt is pretty cool and stuff. She's not overprotective or stressed.

"I see you're stressed." She says making me choke.

"I'm not stressed." I say.

"You just choked on pancakes! Who's the lucky girl spill the beans." She says making me roll my eyes.

"Bethany, she's new and she's very kind and sweet, and perfect and beautiful and-"

"Okay I get it!" She says laughing.

"Good luck kiddo." She says as I leave.



I walk into the classroom and see Bethany sitting beside Avery. I sit beside Bethany and she smiles at me. She's so beautiful.

"Hey Harry!" She says smiling.

"Hey Beth what's up?" I say.

"Oh nothing just talking about dumb stuff. What is better? Italy or Las Vegas?" She asks.

"Italy." I say making Avery huff.

"I told you!" Bethany says in sing song voice to Avery.

She's so cute I love her.

"Yea yea whatever." Avery says laughing.

The teacher starts talking and we start writing down notes.



I walk into geography class and take a seat beside Harry.

"Okay class you are having a project with the person beside you."

Harry instantly looks at me and smirks making me roll my eyes and smile.

"You have to make a 3D model of a place you like, any place. It's worth a test grade. You have the rest of class to discuss."

I look at Harry and he smiles.

"Want to go to my place tomorrow to start?" He asks.

"Sure, then mine." I say and he nods.

"Um Beth?" He asks.


"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me tonight?" He asks.

"I would love to Harry!" I say smiling.

"I'll pick you up at 8:00 is that okay?" He asks.

"Perfect." I say smiling.

I'm going on a date with Harry the butterflies in my stomach are growing every second.


"Is my daughter Bethany in love?" My mom says as I enter.

"What? How did you know?" I say smiling.

"Oh I don't know, you came in humming with your mind in outer space." She says making me blush of embarrassment.

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"Harry, he's super nice and he asked me to go out with him today." I say, setting my backpack on the couch.

"Have fun, but not too much fun." She says smirking.

"Mom!" I say shocked making her laugh.

I do my homework, easy as always. I grab a white lace dress and put on pale pink flats. I curl my hair and put on a lip gloss. I smile and sigh happily. I go downstairs and my mother gasps.

"Beth you look beautiful!" She says making me smile.

"Thanks I-"

I'm interrupted by a knock on the door. Harry.

"I have to do something quickly don't embarrass me please?" I say making her laugh and nod.

I go upstairs and smooth my dress. I fluff my curls and check myself one last time before going downstairs. Harry seated on the couch and my mom holding an album showing him stuff. Oh no.

"This is her in her first birthday party she loved princesses." She says making Harry smile.

"Mom." I cough making her look up.

"Sorry Beth I had to." She says laughing making me turn red.

"Beth you look amazing, ready to go?" He says.

"Yep." I say with a smile.

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