Keep bleeding

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It's quite funny because I'm a walking Wi-Fi right now =w=

Portable shit these days....

Well, rejoice because I still have time to do this right mow despite that people say that i look like I'm near death....damn college life I have.



I could only contemplate how many times I had to glance up at Akaito with worry. The guy didn’t like talking that much but his face was easy to read and I was the type to read a person's expression like it was a mere page of a book.

"You seem to be bothered by something. Is everything fine?" I asked with worry being in my voice as I walked side by side with him.

Akaito looked at me as if I have done something wrong while he wasn't watching me but he simply batted his eyes away from me and there was one thing I saw clearly in his eyes.

He was at guard.

I have no idea why, against whom and why is he keeping it from me.

He always told me if there was some danger around but this might something different. Something I shouldn't know at all.

"How much do you know of Len Kagamine?" He asked and I shook my head. I know nothing about him because he's just a new guy. Why would he ask?

Though he did mention that he saw me way back but I have no recollection of it whatsoever. How does he know me? He's acting so familiar with’s weird but I find it...fine?

"Not much but he did mention that he knew me back then." I told him and this made his eyes sharp and alert. He stopped at his tracks and I heard him growl in his throat like a mad dog.

I looked at the direction to where he was glaring at and I saw Len talking to a group of girls.

The flitches from the cheerleading team of the school.

"Let it slip, Akaito. He is no use for me so ignore him. We better get to class." I had to pull him to class before he ruffled my hair in a wavy mess and led me to class.


After class..

Akaito and I met at the hallway to rendezvous before going by the car that was waiting for us by the gate but I got snatched from Akaito's side only to hear Len behind and dragged me away out of earshot.

If earshot meant that it was at the park...

"What the heck? You are ridiculous! Just what are you trying to pull here, Kagamine?!!!" I shouted at him and punched his arm which sent him flying for a good meter before he landed on his bum.

"Oww..." He rubbed his butt to relieve his pain but it looks like he was used to it. I was afraid that I must have hit him hard to send him that far. "Harsh, princess."

I wanted to apologize but I just sat at a chair nearby to rest my feet since my shoes got me good by the stairs to the rooftop earlier.

"Stand up and explain why did you drag me here? You know that I can't afford to miss my ride back home, you little shi--"

"I wanted to ask you something about your...friend. Akaito." Len asked and cut me off before I could finish my curse.

What does he want to know? He's getting weirder each time we meet...

"Why? You both don't look like you're going to be friends with him because you just kidnapped me." I stated and made him sit next to me.

"Well, is it wrong to know another guy? I want a friend seeing that I am a noob at making one." Len said and sat next to me.

"Then no. See you around, mister popular." I stood up but her grabbed my wrist and twisted it.

"Sorry, doll but please? I need to know him better." He persisted but my hand ached badly and I had to kick him away from me square at his chest.

"LET GO!" I glared at him and raised my voice where a few passersby batted an eye on us but turned to their own business after a second or two. It was nothing different. Even with Len as a celebrity and me a a well-known business girl, People might not give a fuck on anything anymore.

"I-I'm sorry." He took a few steps back and stumbled upon Akaito who was glaring down at him.

"I was wondering where you went, Lenka. Turns out you with the newbie." Akaito looked at me with his crimson eyes and showed how disappointed he was with me but I glared harder than him. I was so furious, I wanted to kill.

Kill for blood.

"No! What's wrong with me?" I screamed at my thought, stomped away and ran away from them eventually, no destination at my head, I wanted to get away from both of them and found myself at a rooftop of a building in a matter of minutes without breaking a sweat.

I was wondering what weird shit happened to me again but when I searched for the park that I  came from, I was three miles away from it.

"How the—Never mind that!" I shrieked in frustration as I walked around the roof, pacing back and forth to calm myself.

Eventually, I took a seat by the edge of the building and swung my leg over the edge and let the breeze take my mad and menacing thoughts away from my own mind. I was more at peace like that. I wanted the silence. I wanted to be alone.

And alone I was.

For the whole evening, nothing bothered me—not even my mad thoughts, Akaito, nor Len. It was as if something was masking my presence to let me have the luxury of being alone.

I started humming one of my favorite songs even though I was not much of a singer; some say I am a  girl that has a melodic voice which can compare to an angel. Surpass it even but I decided to keep it to herself. I saw the effect of her voice once and I  was not willing to see it the second time around. Blood of man might spill on the ground I wished to stand on.

“HmmmmmHmmmHmmmHmmmHmmmm…” I kept humming and even if my voice blended and faded away with the city’s noise, someone from a distance could hear it. I know someone could. I just don’t know who.

“Please hear me sing this song to you, these words of love I deliver to you…” I sang as I scanned my nails and how sharp they were.

All of a sudden, I heard the rooftop of the building open and I was hoping it was Akaito or Len but turns out, it was a drunken guy around below that heard me. I wish this voice of mine can disappear. I’m an attraction for crimes as I sing and live right here.

“Well, well, miss goddess of songs, why don’t you come with me. You look rich enough, I recon your family can pay a ransom for their precocious girl.” The guy said and broke his glass bottle, letting the shard scatter by the ground and one just gave me a slice by the face.

“Can’t you see that I’m resting here? Get lost.” I told him but he spat something out which was gross, and faced me with a broken and pointy glass bottle as his weapon.

Never underestimate the shoes I wear.

Well, let me explain. I have several pairs of shoes which I asked to be personalized and one of these are the boots I am currently wearing. They were made to conceal any blade that come contact to me and I can use the blade to defend myself.

Though, why make me stand by the edge of the building? Oh well.

I threw the knife and I was expecting it to fail. Turns out it hit the guy’s chest and the smell of iron and blood enter my nose.

I was craving for something.

Something dangerous and impure.

Something RED…

One soul [RinXLen;Secrets sequel]Where stories live. Discover now