There was only six people in the room, me and Lucie of course, then three pregnant ladies and one of them brought their very rude delinquents. Oh boy can't wait till I get to have one of them.

"Here," we say in unison. I nudge her in the side, she wanted us to switch roles the least she could do is remember them. Giving us a weird look she reassures herself by saying "Miller," and I nod my head.

I stand up with Lucie by my side, okay girls lets get to room seven. Dr. Lindsey had her fiery orange hair in a loose braid that fell along her right shoulder. She put on a warm smile, and shifted her arm in the direction of the patient rooms. She seemed like a good doctor to get, but I'm guessing that a teenage pregnancy was surprising on a Monday. 

"So Lucie, I see we're hear for an..." she brings the clipboard closer to her face "ultrasound. am I correct?"

"I guess, I took a pregnancy test this morning and just need to know if it's correct," I reply.

"And if possible how long she's been pregnant for." Lucie adds in, we both were putting on our best fake smile, I think Dr. Lindsey though we were pranking her. But, what did it matter she was getting paid anyways. 

"Well let's find out." She lifts of the cap of a bottle and squirts of a very cold gel onto my stomach, that brings chill throughout my stomach. "Okay lets see here" she  begins to rub the tool gently against my stomach.

"So what do you see?" I ask her

"Wow, so Miss. Miller you are correct, or rather the pregnancy test is correct. It looks like you about a month through you pregnancy"

I turn my head towards the screen, there it was the baby growing inside of me. It was so tiny but there, how could I possibly do this? Lucie grabs my shoulder and stares down at me, I knew she was right I had to tell Corbin. 

Dr. Lindsey buds in "I'm assuming you want to keep this confidential." we nodded vigorously. She lets a sigh, "Do you want pictures to show the father?" I respond with a simple yes, how would anyone believe I was actually pregnant and not insane without proof? She hands me a paper towel and I wipe off the gel from my stomach. "Okay so I will get those for you and you guys can head out, but make sure to go to the main desk we need to schedule and another appointment in a month to make sure the baby is healthy." I nod in silence and we head to the front. 

Once I received the picture, I wanted to cry but knew I shouldn't. I was only suppose to be at Fremont for four years and all it took was two for me to become pregnant from an arrogant douche. 

As we walk out to the car I can see Lucie's worried stares. I know she wants to say something, but doesn't know what. I like the silence it was peaceful but scary, my thoughts consume me. I pull open the door handle and when I close the door, I couldn't keep it in anymore. There I sat crying on Lucie's shoulder for half an hour being a complete emotional wreck. This wasn't me, I'm the girl who sits in the back, not too popular but average, I have money but so does everyone at Fremont. I follow the rules, the perfect student as some of my teachers have called me before. I'm not suppose to be the girl who gets pregnant in college. 


When we arrive home I plugged in my dead phone to see all these text from Maisy. Every time I try to think of just being pregnant it always comes back to Maisy and Corbin. Why couldn't I just be left alone. Tears start rolling down my face and soon a waterfall breaks out.

I couldn't breath it was as if a huge weight had just been placed on me or well in me. How could I remain in college without being called a "slut" or "hoe"? Freshman girls may have be young but they act like the own the school. Not to mention when they find out who the dad is they will full out have a cat fight. The Corbin Mills the dream guy of every freshman girl, would be taken off the market, who am I kidding he'll still remain on the market. I may be pretty but I still wasn't his type. Plus I don't think a guy who has a perfect life who risk it all for just some girl having his child .

"Lucie how can I do this? How do I do this?" tears start to drip down my face and onto the image of the baby.

"No matter what you decide I'll be here and so will Maisy."

What I decide there was no doubt about it, this may have not been the ideal situation to be pregnant in college, but there's no way I could give up the possibility of a child. I take huge breath in, now that I know who the father is, how do I tell one of my best friends that the baby daddy is her crush?

I run hundreds of possibilities throughout my head for each situation that I have to do and I explain it to the only one I can Lucie.

"One how do I quit the cheerleading team, cause tumbling around isn't gonna work out so well."

"I think after your little incident it's safe to say Brooke wouldn't mind if  you quit" Oof, I mean it hurt but she was honest. Brooke would most likely tell everyone she kicked me of the team, to keep her power over us even stronger. At least one of the situations had an easy solution.

"Two how do I tell the Corbin Mills, ladies man and QB/Captain of Fremonts football team he's got more than just a one night stand?"

Lucie ponders on it and says "Well I don't know if your really in the party mood but Friday night one of the other frat houses is hosting a party."

I'm doubtful but... hey he's going to find out at some point why not Friday? That's too soon four days isn't enough time to prepare to ruin someones life. Or be humiliated and emotionally ready to be rejected. Whatever if he doesn't want to be a part of the baby's life then that's on him. If it takes me being the fool of the school to get this pressure off of me then fine, Friday it is. 

"Okay now to the last two, how do we handle this with Maisy. If she goes to tell Connor that it's his I don't even wanna imagine that scenario."

"It's not her place to say Lily."

"Well Maisy and Connor practically have every class together, and she can't keep her mouth shut you know that. Plus, once she find out you lied about what happened that night we're both screwed."

"Fine..." Lucie utters. "until we come up with a better solution we never went to the doctors and your took the the other test and they came back negative."

I didn't want to lie too Maisy but I only agreed to it so that she wouldn't get hurt.

"Is that all your worries Lily?" I shake my head no. "What else could there be?"

I quickly reply saying, "Connor"

"What about him?" Lucie asks

"He's going to think it's his and you're already forcing me to tell Corbin."

"Well tell him it's not."

I let out a small chuckle, "yeah, right." Lucie's face said it all she was confused. "Lucie when and if he finds out it's not his baby he's gonna wonder who its is and you know Fremont, nothing ever remains a secret."

"Oh, right and not to worry you but this baby might cause a even bigger war between the hockey team and football team," I add.

I dragged my hands down my face, I am the fire to ignite a war amongst two teams who already hate each others guts. Am I being dramatic? Yes. But Fremont is filled with spoiled rich kids and with money comes power. 

"Hey!" Lucie tries to cheer me up "If you can keep this a secret for one more month Connor will be in Spain and no offense he might move on," she was correct all I had to do was keep my mouth shut for one more month.

It started getting pretty late so after the whole what should I do talk we put started our favorite High School Musical marathon and we both fell asleep listening to let's go wild cats.


next part "Here's To Friday"  can you guess what it's about XD

hope to see you soon plz vote • comment • share!!

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