What Have I Done?

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I hear the door handle jiggle and Lucie comes barging into the room. Her face filled with rage, was she mad at me or someone else? Maybe Brett?

"Lillian Taylor do not tell me you did what I think you did" she shouts at me. 

Quick Lily, what did you do this time to her? Lucie hasn't been this mad at me in what feels like ages. Last time she yelled at me like this was when we were 15 cause I may or may not have kissed her crush at the time. But in my defense it was spin the bottle what did she expect?

"Lucie before you go all rage monster one me can I at least know what I did?" I say in a soft voice, trying to calm her down.


What did I have to do with her and Brett's relationship? I haven't even talked to Brett like at all. The last time I saw him was on his date with Lucie. 

"Lucie I'm sure whatever I did..." even though I still don't know, "was probably an accident and I'm forever sorry. Please forgive me, I love you."

She stomps over and plops herself onto her bed. She sighs in frustrations, and pulls up something on her phone. Then shoves her phone in my face. It was a text from Brett, asking if they could talk.

"Luc I'm not really sure what this has to do with me."

 "Are the rumors true?" I mean yeah it's true, I'm pregnant. But she already know this. So I tilt my head with a confused look on my face. "Is Connor back? And did you guys talk?"

Shoot. We only talked an hour ago how did word get around this quick? 

"Okay yes we talked." She groans shaking her head. "I'm still confused how does this ruin your relationship?"

"Lily please do not tell me that you actually told Connor you're pregnant?"

"No" I say unsurely.

"No" she mimics me, "what does 'no' mean?"

"I mean I didn't tell him exactly just that he kind of presumed it"

"Lily why didn't you think to I don't know tell him it's not his?"

"What was I suppose to say? Huh? Oh you left me so I got drunk to forget you broke my heart. Then slept with the biggest player in this school and just so happened he impregnated me."

"Well yes!" 

"Lucie" I scold her. "This still doesn't explain why you're mad at me."

"Your ex-boyfriend is so excited he's going to be a dad, that he told the whole hockey team. That text from Brett was so we could talk about being on a break because apparently bro code goes as far as breaking up with your girlfriend because your best friend is mad at her best friend." She continues on ranting before I have to stop her.

"Okay I'm gonna need you to repeat that again." I tell her

"Word spread about Connor being the dad of your baby and it reached all the way to the football team. Corbin wasn't apparently too happy about this." 

Corbin probably thinks I lied to him, wait why should I care? He decided he doesn't want to be a part of his baby's life. So why would he get mad?

"Look Lucie I'm truly sorry that my life has once again managed to affect yours. But you know I never meant for this to happen right?"

"I know it's just hard," she looks like she's about to cry so I scooch over on my bed and motion her to lie down beside me. She stands up and lies beside me on my bed. "I think I was actually beginning to fall in love with him."

"You never were boy crazy so what makes him so different" 

"It was the way you were always with Connor it got lonely and just the way you used to talk about him made me want to find that someone. And when I finally did it just made sense."

What have I done? Somehow I simultaneously managed to screw up not just Lucie's life but mine. Why would Connor even tell other people he just found out and there's still months to go so why does everyone have to know now?

"Hey Lils" I give her a small smile. "Why did you let him believe he was going to be a dad?"

That's a good question. I should've just told him, this whole thing could've been prevented if I just had the guts to tell him the truth. Sure he would've probably been mad at me but at least Lucie would be happy in her relationship with Brett.

"I don't know, I knew it wasn't right to let him believe this but I think deep down I wanted him too" I let a small tear slide down my cheek.

She wipes the tear from my cheek, "this is about your dad isn't it?" 

The great Marcus Taylor self made millionaire at 22. Terrific business man, horrible father. When I was 5 he decided his work was more important than his own children and just left. Fast forward 10ish years, he comes back to be a dad. But no, not to me or my older sister, just to my little sister. 

I just want my baby to have everything I wished I had, two parents who love me unconditionally that will put my needs above theirs. 

When Connor found out I was pregnant his eye lit up. It was nothing like Corbin's reaction, Connor was ecstatic, Corbin was the complete opposite. Inside I think I knew at the moment he thought he was the baby's father. But he looked like someone who would love this baby unconditionally. And I wanted that for my child. 

If Corbin wouldn't step up what's the issue if Connor does?


Lily sure isn't thinking this through right. Stay tune for the next chapter to find out what's gonna happen next ;)

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~J 💋

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