New Beginnings

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It's been 3 days 13 hours and 47 minutes since he broke my heart into two. 

I had promised myself I would stop counting around two hours ago, but I never said when.

I believed that he was the love of my life or I guess you could say soulmate. He had kind-heart, he was funny, and could turn on his charm any time he wanted with those dazzling forest green eyes and beach blonde hair. 

How could you do this to me Connor Greene?

I really thought we'd still be together even after college, I mean he was captain of the hockey team and I was one of the cheerleaders. We both were children of Fremont alumni, both rich and if I do say so not to bad on the eyes.

I guess I had high hopes, but that plan derailed when he decided that if he was going to go on the Spain trip in April, he couldn't handle himself to stay committed to our relationship or something like that.

Literally it's a two month trip. How hard can it be not to fuck a girl?

Connor and I met in Political Science class, he was a sophomore and I was a freshman, man did we have the best times in that class.

Every time Professor Manning had a long night she slurred her words in class and Connor and I would try to guess what she did the night before.  

A month later and we began to hang out outside of class. Who would off thought that it would spiral into something more. In October of last year we started seeing each other officially and since then we've been dating or I guess we're dating.


"Lilly c'mon you can't just pretend the world doesn't exist anymore." Lucie frowned.

Lucie was the my best friend in the whole world. Our parents both went to Fremont and became good friend so naturally we did the same.

"Go away..." I moaned flapping my left arm to signal her. "I'll get up when it's time for graduation."

"Lilly that's two years from now." she said in her mom tone  "You've got to be kidding me." 

By now she was accustomed to my usual dramatic episodes. So she did what any good friend would do and try to help me work through them. 

Lucie tugged on my royal blue fleece blanket that I was snuggled in, but I yanked it back. Losing her footing she lets go and I pull in my blanket even closer. 

Sadly that was the same blanket Connor had gotten for me on my birthday.

"Lillian Marshall Taylor get you ass of your bed we're going partying tonight!" she screamed.

"What?" I mumbled in confusion.

Lucie has hated parties ever since November 12th, freshman year. 

We were at the Alpha Sigma frat house party, anybody who was somebody went. 

All the rich football players live there, so I think it's safe to say the parties weren't just average. 

You have to be personally invited or be someones plus one. Last year I went with Connor and Lucie went with Axel. 

Man, was it a blast, well except for the part were Lucie got tripped by the pig into the pool. She basically belly-flopped in, and the sound... ooh everyone stared at her. 

Who am I kidding it was hilarious. Her stomach was red for the rest of the week. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face.

"Well the football team is hosting their annual party and guess who got invited"

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