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"Maisy's going to wonder where the hell we are."

Lucie answers back, "I'll tell her your not feeling so well and that I'm taking care of you, problem solved." 

I mean I guess it could work, the plan although not perfect was still better than nothing. I wish more than anything Maisy could come. After all she is the one who bought the pregnancy test. If I am pregnant how am I suppose to tell her that her dream man is the father. That in fact Lucie lied to her and well we did a little more than just talking. 

I unplug my phone and toss my car keys to Lucie. I put in the address into my phone and we drive off to the doctors. Since, I needed the results to be confidential we had to find a different doctor so it was a two hour drive. For the most part there's just awkward silence amongst us until Lucie goes to ruin it

"How do you exactly plan on telling Corbin?" She acts as if telling him is my number one priority. There might be and actual living thing in me how the hell was I suppose to worry about other things? 

"Well, you see I plan on not telling him," I mumble. Lucie's once chilled face start to frown.

"I know this isn't ideal, but if he is the father he has a right to get to know the kid." 

"I can't believe you just said that. Corbin Mills is the definition of a royal douchebag. He can get a right to know about this when I'm not alive anymore," I snap. Deep down I know she was right but at the same time I wanted to rip her hair out. "Sorry" I whisper.

Lucie's mouth drops open and she know she won't win this conversation, so she stops pressing me and we continue our drive in complete and utterly awkward silence. Who knew pregnant Lily could be as bitchy as Brooke Anisley. Shit what would I do about that, cheerleading has been something that all the Taylor women have been doing for decades. If I am pregnant I'm pretty sure tumbling isn't the best idea. Anyways I'm sure my spot is up for grabs now, no one gets away with snapping at Brooke.


Finally we arrived at the doctors, I swing open the glass doors, holding it for Lucie to peak her head in. You never know some one from Fremont could be there, the quieter this is kept the better it is for all. If word gets out I would be one of the top scandals this school has ever faced. Being wealthy and loathed by others makes you a target that anyone is willing to destroy.

"It's clear" she whispers back to me. I open the door fully and we enter. 

I head over to the check in line the nurse asks for my name, how do I respond. If tell her my name and she writes it down there goes my chance keeping it a secret. I take a huge gulp before Lucie responds.

"This is Lucie Miller." I turn my head in her direction and give her the whatthehellareyoudoing glare.

"Thank you for telling me," the nurse was full of sass. "Miss and you are?"

"I'm Lily Taylor, just here to support my bestie," she sounded so natural maybe Lucie should drop becoming an architect and go into acting.

"Well would you look at that we have you booked, you guys can wait in the waiting room or stand. I don't care as long as you're out if the doctors way." the nurse flicks her hands forwards motioning us to get away. You'd think that she would have learned some hospitality by now.

It takes a dreaded five minute of Lucie pacing back and forth and me tapping my foot on the ground before Dr. Lindsey comes in.

"Miller? Lucie Miller?" Dr. Lindsey says, as she scavenges throughout the waiting room for Lucie, well me. 

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