Lucie's Secret

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The walk back to my dorm was filled with sorrow and misery. Not going to lie I knew deep down this might happen. But did I really think it would? No. Call it wishful thinking. 

I open the door to see a wide eyed Lucie. She was probably just hyped up on caffeine. I walk over and plop myself on the bed.

"Where'd you go?" she asks me while doing her hair up in a high ponytail.

"Just went for walk." I lie. She just shrugs and goes on getting ready for cheer practice. 

"Well I'll be back in around an hour, text me if you need anything."

"Okay. See you later." I reply as she closes the door. I lie down on my bed, grab the pillow from behind my head and bring it to my face. Then I proceed to scream into my pillow.

After I head in front of my vanity and sit down. "Okay Lily the father of your baby did not just straight out tell you he doesn't want to be a part of your baby's life. No he just said he wants to well... stay away from the baby's life" What am I doing? Trying to convince myself this douche wanted to be a part of my baby's life. I deserve better than this, my baby deserves better than this. I wipe off a tear falling from my eye, stand up and head out.


There's no better therapy than shopping. I've been needing to go shopping cause I'm beginning to really show. Brooke walked up to me in class and told me I need to cut down on the calories. She could've just been being classic Brooke Ainsley or she was actually right. 

I open the door of my car and get out. Who new shopping for maternity clothes would be this boring. Every time I see a cute outfit of course it's not gonna fit me. The only maternity clothes this store sells are either bland or to florally, who do they think I am a 30 year old? After an hour of shopping and another hour trying to convince myself these outfits look decent enough, I drive myself to the nearest McDonalds. I order enough for two and shove my mouth with this greasy goodness, then head back to campus. 

"Hey, where you've been?" 


"Well didn't practice end like two hours ago?"

"Uhm yeah... I was... I was just studying at the library. Got a huge test in Econ coming up."

"Oh okay." Am I hearing correctly? Did my best friend just lie to me? Just like Maisy told me during our fight the library's been closed down for renovations. Not to mention she's been acting so weird lately and constantly on her phone. She would literally yell at me for being on my phone for so long when she's doing it now. What could possibly be so important on her phone?


"Babes I'm going out again be back around midnight. You gonna be okay here alone?"

"Yeah I'll just be hear talking to the baby about our favorite show 

"Again with you watching perdido en fuego"

"Joaquin is about to tell Roaslina he wants to be a part of her baby's wife. I let out a small chuckle, must be nice.  "But it's actually Andre's baby, and he doesn't know"

"Okay Miss. Perdido en Fuego don't stay up to late"

"I'm 17 week pregnant there's no way I'm making it past 7:30"

Lucie proceeds out the door and sorry Joaquin but duty calls. I wait around two minutes then hop into my car. Thank the lord for find my friends I track Lucie on my phone to find her at Milk & Bean Coffee Shop. 

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