Camp and a sack. Chapter 4.

Start from the beginning

"how dare you sack me" polly yelled as she stood up in the sack and everyone frown hoping to tie up back up. "I dont like this bird, can we get one that sings better" Sasha asked as she ate a potato. "so you found her outside the ass commander with an angry letter, what was she going to see him about" Farlan asked and Connie passed the letter In her hands to the newbies. "really your were gonna complain about the captain to the commander, do you know what would happen if he found out you ran from camp idiot" Kieran yelled with anger as he read the complain.  letter. "wow mikasa she writing fan letters about you already" Connie laughed. "how could you be so stupid to try and complain to the commander when we are all leaving to meet the queen today, do you want to miss out on something so cool" graham said annoyed. 

"where did you get the sack from" eren asked puzzled. "its best if you dont ask" Mikasa said as she stole some of Levi tea. "but a sack, it doesn't just lay in normal places" jean said trying to think about. "if mikasa says not to ask its best not to ask, trust me after all these years you learn its best not to know these things" Armin said rubbing his head. 

"so did you have her in the sack while talking to the commander" Connie asked with a grin and mikasa nodded. "that pretty cool mikasa" Sasha smirked. 

"so you just talked with the ass commander and stood waiting him to sign everything with her in the sack, how did that go well" hanji asked excited. "I just stood there saying I caught a bird to help with last minute training and he sign everything while she struggled" mikasa said with a straight face. "you really are amazing mikasa, I dont think I would be able to do that" Levi said with a small smile and held mikasa hand under the desk. 

"the commander didnt even notice I was stuck inside the sack" polly said shocked. "wow he stupid" Kieran said rubbing his next. "maybe he thought its best not to ask since it was captain mikasa" graham said and everyone nodded. "well since we got all the paperwork needed, we leave in two hours so make sure everything you need is packed and in the cart" farlan said with a smile and everyone nodded.


"right each group will be in a group cabin, so pair up please" farlan yelled with a smile to his, mikasa, Levi and hanji groups. "I dont want to have say this but boy with boy and girl with girl, yes we a team but we must stick to rules" Hanji yells with a worried smile since the groups work as a one they forget they got different genders. "if you the only male or female in the group your get a small room in the cabin so just wait for you captain to walk you over" Levi yells as they look to each group cabin number. "we might be inside the wall and yes its safer then the outside one but please stay in camp and follow your orders or you will be sent to jail until we leave back for camp" mikasa yells and all soldiers saluted. 

"so how should we pair up for the cabins room" jack a tall man with long brown hair and glasses, who in hanji group said with a small smile. "yeah we all guys so we dont need to worry about genders but I bet moblit wish to share a room with captain hanji" adam a medium height man with black hair and pretty face, who also in hanji group giggled. "shut it you guys, I dont" moblit a short dirty blonde lad who was hanji right hand man said with a blush and it made the group laugh more. "oh come on we all know you like captain but hey why not room with jack since he close to the same looks as captain" ven a shorty black hair boy with round glasses laughed as he put his arm around moblit. These four boys with different personalities made hanji group up and they were all good in battle, she trusted them well. "right so it sounds like jack and moblit are roommates and ven is with adam I'm glad you decided so fast, I got our cabin number so lets head over and unpack before meeting everyone for dinner" Hanji said with a smile and started walking with the boys behind her, since no one wanted to say they were just messing around and winding moblit up over his crush on her.

"well we a team of two boys and two girls so I dont think we need to work on roommates" ben a tall boy with bright blonde hair and a pretty face said with a smile, he was apart of farlan group. "yeah girls are with girl and boys with boys, so we sorted" vick a short girl with brown hair and a pretty face said with a grin. "should we go tell captain farlan we sorted or shall we wait until he calls us over" owen a medium height boy with ginger hair and was the most smart out of the four asked with a small smile. "we wait for captain farlan to call, we dont want to rush him over if he still getting the cabin number" ruby a tall girl with black hair and a pretty face but she was a air hair who was only good at fighting, said with a grin. "right lets head over to our cabin guys, we dont want to miss the meet up for dinner" Farlan said with a grin and the started walking. These four was farlan group who was nicknamed as the pretty faces. Yeah they were all good looking but they were good at fighting and covering other groups backs. They was a good group farlan was proud to lead.

"ha unlucky for you three boys but I get my own room, since I'm a girl" Sasha said with a grin as she laughed at Connie, eren and graham. "Connie can share with graham, I'm not having a roommate since I probably be called out more" eren said with a grin as he knew he hang out with Armin, jean and the couple captains during the night. "I dont mind sharing a room with Connie if he doesn't mind sharing a room with a newbie" Graham said with a grin. "I dont mind, but hey eren who says I wont be out late hanging with Sasha or something" Connie yells and eren giggled

"I'm sharing the room with Armin since I dont wanna share with a newbie or let Armin share with a newbie" Jean said with a smirk since he new Armin wasn't good with sharing a room with others he not use to or having his own room in a new place. "that's fine with me, I dont mind having my own room and it be wired to share with soldiers more wise then me" Kieran said with a smile as he could tell Armin was a little nervous. "thanks, just knock on our door if you need anything or cant get use to the room alone" Armin said with a kind smile. "even if our group had another girl I wont share with her at all, I deserve a captain room, not just a small one just wait till the queen hears about it" polly said with annoyed and everyone rolled there eyes.

"like a queen would listen to an annoying brat problems dont forget we friends with her so do behave little girl" mikasa hissed and everyone smirked and polly went pale. "right our cabins are next door to each other so we walk over together and walk to dinner meet up together, they dont the same with hanji and farlan groups it seems they cabins are next door so we all agree to go in groups of two" Levi yelled and everyone nodded before walking over.


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