Taste of Force

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I have been traveling for a week now. Would have been there sooner... Though I'd like to stay away from vehicles, "Man I wish I didn't have motion sickness." I said to myself as I took a small break, "Up this mountain right?" I asked myself gazing up at the top. Lighting stuck at the peak and dark clouds surrounded the sky, "Yep." I said as I stood up, "Let's get this pain train rolling... I'm not looking forward to this." I sighed. I continued my ascent, I carefully climbed the sides. I could have used my magic to help but I wanted to get my body used to this. Usually wizards aren't physically strong since they focus on their magic, I sure as hell ain't gonna be one of those wizards. I lifted myself onto a small plateau and caught my breath, "Man this is tiring." I said looking up, "Almost..." Before I finished my sentence I leaped into the air and avoided an attack, "Or it will meet me half way." I said hanging onto the cliff looking at the tail. I turn and see it's face. It looked really humanoid for a dragon.

 It looked really humanoid for a dragon

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"God your ugly." I said as it opened it's mouth, "Nope." I said leaping off and down the cliff. It spewed acid onto the wall and it began to burn through the rocks, "Yeah don't get hit by that." I said pulling the cliff to give me a spot to stand on. I held my hand up, "Lightning Dragon Spear!" I yelled and threw it at the dragon. It quickly ran to the side and out of sight avoiding my attack, "Great." I said. I look at both ends of the mountain, "Where are you?" I asked. I then realized something, "Fuck." I said leaping up, but it was too late as my platform shattered and an arm grabbed me. The dragon slammed me to the wall and opened it's mouth again, "Dragon Slayer's Secret Art! Overcharged: Lighting Fulmination!" I yelled as my body extruded a large amount of electricity. The dragon roars and let's go of me, "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" I yelled punching it's jaw. I inhaled deeply and brought my hands together, "Magma Demon Rage!" I expelled a wave of molten magma at it. It used it's arm to block the attack but it still felt the burn as it roared in pain. It used it's tail to smack me into the mountain. It pulled it's tail back and aimed the sharp end at me, "Earth Dragon's Stone wall!" I said but it still pierced the wall and stabbed my arm. It began to push deeper and deeper into my arm, "Alpha Dragon Scorch Burst!" I yelled as my body exploded with intense heat. The tail incinerated completely and I quickly escaped. I landed a few feet down the mountain and gazed at my arm. It was bleeding badly and my blood was black, "Damn it..." I said. I activated my Demon Slayer magic and began to cleanse the curse of that dragon. My blood returned to it's normal red color and I tore my sleeve off. My exposed arm revealed a tattoo I have been hiding since I completed my S-Class test.

 My exposed arm revealed a tattoo I have been hiding since I completed my S-Class test

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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