New Member

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(before we begin a little announcement. For new years I am doing a little award ceremony. This is to see what everyone enjoyed and use it to improve my writing. So I'd like it if you all go to my Celebratory Events book and go to the recent chapter and comment on what you think would fit each topic.)

It has been years since I acquired Fairy Law. I'm currently an S class wizard, took me two tries to get that. Damn Laxus beat me the first time. I'll get him next time that's for sure. Though when I became an S class mage I also learned Fairy Glitter. My arm still has the mark, though I wear long sleeve clothing to hid it. Can't have dark mages know I have it and try to take it from me.

"Big Bro!" I heard a familiar voice. I was laying on the grass and looked up to see my friend, well she thinks of me as her brother, "Hey Lily."

"Are we going back?" She asked

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"Are we going back?" She asked.

"Yeah. Heard Natsu brought a new member to the guild." I said.

"Really who told you?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Oh you know the answer to that." I said looking at her.

"Big sis! Oh I can't wait to see her again!" She yelled.

"Then let's go." I said sitting up, "Let's go see everyone at the guild."

I met Lily after I became an S class mage. During one of my quests I found her in the streets alone. Mirajane was actually with me. We have gotten rather close, we actually became friends. She still acted rather aggressive around everyone. We found her stealing our food and chased her down. She was scared and hungry. Neither of us could just leave her alone, so we took her with us. She called me and Mira big bro and big sis after she became a member of fairy tail. Gotta say Mira is only kind to a few people, Natsu, myself, her brother, and... Her sister. Though seeing her kind to a small cat was rather cute. She got teased a lot by me and Lisanna... I did it because she couldn't threaten me and she would never hurt Lisanna. Heh such good memories...

"Big bro..."


"Let's hurry I wanna meet the new member." She said as she climbed on my back.

"Don't worry we wi..."

"They might be breaking the guild right now." She said. This girl really knows me so well. She always says this to get me to move faster and it always works.

"I'll break them if even a single piece of wood is splintered." I said using Lightning to increase me speed drastically.

"Weeeeee!!!" Lily yelled as I ran.


At Fairy Tail the new member named Lucy is looking at the request board for a job. Master Makarov is out on a league meeting. Mira started explaining to Lucy how the guild hierarchy works using a light pen. Eventually they discussed about Dark Guilds. After a while Natsu and Gray began to fight over who should Lucy team up with. Loki tried to get her as well but once he learned that she was a celestial wizard he dropped it faster than F/N drops people who damage the guild. He ran off for a bit before returning to the two fighting wizards.

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