FF #1 || Chapter 5

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That evening the Chaddas arrived. Rupaali Chadda was a gorgeous woman with bountiful curves. Omkara momentarily stared at her. Only to be nudged by his ex-wife, to take his gawking eyes off the woman. He gave her a quick glance but her eyes were fixed on the woman as well.

"Nice to meet you!" She said in a flirtatious voice as Jaanvi introduced her to Omkara.

"Nice to meet you too." He said shaking her hand. Gauri grimaced inwardly. Men!

"And..this..." Jaanvi stopped midway looking at Gauri.

"Gauri!" Gauri spoke for herself.

"Hi!" Rupaali extended her hand to her.

"Hi, I am Omkara's ...ex-wife." Gauri said keeping up her smile that wanted to tug down with the sudden emotion that hit her as she added the 'ex' to wife.

Omkara was intently looking at Gauri. He didn't miss the fractional second of emotion crossing her face.

"Oh, you're divorced." She said looking from one to the other. Odd, of course to see them together.

"Are you business.."

"No. We are seeing each other again." Omkara spoke up moving his hand to Gauri's waist. He looked aside at his mother. As though telling her, this is what was she better accept it. Gauri stared at him. She felt terrible longing for the old times, the old affection, the old love. She camouflaged her expression way before he looked at her.

"Oh. Nice." Rupaali smiled.

"Why don't the three of you have a walk around? Maybe hit the disc or the club room. There's plenty you can do here." Jaanvi said giving Omkara a look that meant, see after my guest.

"Sure." Rupaali smiled.

Omkara extended his hand to give the cue to the direction. Gauri quietly followed. While Rupaali struck a casual conversation with Omkara, Gauri noticed her. Rupaali indeed had enormously pleasing curves. Suddenly Gauri wished she was dressed better , perhaps her body fit maroon top instead of this flowy, pink one that barely shaped her curves. Her phone rang. She almost dropped her phone being careless. Looking slightly embarrassed as the two who stared at her she took the call. "Yes Siya..."

"Can you calm down. I was going to tell you about it..." Gauri said inwardly grimacing. She hadn't told her about going out with Omkara. For some reason Siya hated Omkara after the divorce. Perhaps the complaints Gauri kept vividly telling her had formed that kind of opinion about Omkara in her head.

"I had to call Rudra, to find out about it. " her sister spoke irritated.

"Siya..relax. "

"Tell me the 'why'." Her sister ordered.

Gauri covered the microphone with her hand. "You guys carry on I will be back." Saying that she walked away in the opposite direction to narrate everything to her sister. She knew a debate was taking shape. Siya was the younger one, only eighteen months younger, but when she scolded she was more like her mother. The fact that her mother's and Siya's face resembled made it much more akin. Oh she had to convince Siya to not let her parents know. They'd go mad at her of they knew about her trip with Omkara!

* * *

Gauri came to the lounge by the poolside. She had called him and that's where he had asked her to come. She looked around to find neither of them.She stepped backward after peeping inside the bar area, only to have something against her back. She turned immediately and her right heel twisted, "ouch!" She gasped holding onto the shoulder of whoever had banged into her.

Rikara - FF - Book | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora