Second Book

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Hey guys! So the second book, The Worst Intentions, has been posted! It's just a sort of description for now, but I'll have chapter one up soon. Hopefully.

QUESTION: would any of you be interested in a Character Ask? If so, let me know. If not, phooey.

As you all know, 5sos are going to be making their debut in book two. ANOTHER QUESTION: to include a bromance or to keep them all single pringles? Decisions, decisions...

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read/comment/vote/fan. Thank you for getting me 364,000+ reads & almost 2,000 fans. And thank you for sticking by/putting up with me. I've got a list of users who are getting some serious love in the new book, so look out for that.

I hope you enjoy The Worst Intentions as much as you've enjoyed The Perfect Mistake!

-Jamie \m/

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