I was obvious Coulson had never officiated a wedding before. Jemma reaches into a pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper.

"I had to write it down," she said. "Fitz. I knew from the moment I saw you, from our first conversation about dielectric polarization that you would be in my life for a long time. But I didn't know you would be my life. My heart. My home. We joined this team for adventures, and more than we hoped. But I can't wait for our next adventure, building a family together. My love for you grows deeper, and always will. No matter where the universe takes us next."

Jemma turned around and handed the paper to Skye, who wiped a tear from her eye.

"Agent Fitz," said Coulson.

Fitz cleared his throat and nervously rung his hands. "Okay...um okay... I have been thinking about what to say... uh... it's just words aren't really enough."

He reached out and grabbed her hands. "I think that you are perfect. And um, I don't deserve you, Jemma. I don't, I don't deserve you. And I'm well aware that I am the luckiest man on any planet."

I glanced at my friends, and saw Ron staring at Hermione with a peculiar look on his face.

"Okay," said Coulson. "Let's have the rings."

Skye and a man I don't know places the rings to Fitz and Simmons.

"Quickly, please," said Coulson. "Before the forest collapses in on us."

"What?" Spluttered Ron. I glared at him and he looked at Harry with as if to say, 'these people are crazy'.

"With this ring," said Fitz as he put the ring on Jemma's finger. "I thee wed."

"With this ring," said Jemma as she put the ring on his finger. "I thee wed."

"Now by the powers invested in me by well, the two of you, I am so happy to pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

As they kissed, everyone clapped and cheered.
They parted and everyone began to go through the light tear back into our dimension.

"That's going to close, right?" I said once we got back into our dimension.

"Kendra, you're here," said Jemma.

"You thought I was going to miss your wedding?" I laughed. "I have been waiting years for this."

"Daisy said something similar when I asked her to be a brides maid."

"Who the hell is Daisy?" I asked mildly.

"Coulson hasn't told—"

"Kendra, long time no see," said Skye as she came over and hugged me.

"Right back at you, Skye," I smiled and was about to hug her, than stopped. She didn't look very huggable anymore. "I Like this whole punk rock look you have."

"Who's Skye?" asked a scrawny brunette behind me. "I don't really know everyone yet, but I don't think I missed a whole person."

I stood open mouthed for a moment, surveying all of them. All of them have changed. Simmons didn't look like the innocent college grad she was. She had this iron kindness aura about her, and Fitz seemed... less forgiving. Skye seemed colder somehow, and May unlike the rest of them, seemed more open.

"You brought friends?"said Skye.

"Yeah," I said quickly recovering. "It's really complicated, but they already knew about SHIELD and stuff since I was like eleven so..."

May raised an eyebrow at me, as if to scold me.

"My name is Hermione." She reached out her hand and shook Jemma's.

"I'm Ron, and this is Harry."

"Oh, fellow countrymen," said Jemma excitedly. "It's difficult to find anyone from Britain here."

"Who are all these new people?" I asked.

"Call me YoYo," said a brown haired women with a Mexican accent.

"I'm Deke, and I still don't understand who Skye is."

Everyone SHIELD agent in the room shared a pained expression.

"I'm Mack," said a tall American American man next to YoYo.

"Nice to meet all of you," I said smiling strangely. For some reason I couldn't force myself to smile normal. "So whose this Daisy I keep hearing about?"

"That would be me," said Skye.

"Oh," I said. "Why the name change?"

Skye suddenly looked uncomfortable. "That's a really long story. Like a story long enough to fill a T.V series."

"I'm all ears," I said.

Skye— Daisy looked around for a moment.

"Harry, Ron. I am so anxious to learn all about this amazing technology. Coulson should go show us how it works," said Hermione.

"I'll do my best," said Coulson.

After they left the room Daisy spoke. "So what do you want to know?"

"Everything I missed."

"Then everyone better head to the lounge. I can't tell the story on my own, and it will take awhile."

Hey Everyone, what do you think of this new Wattpad design stuff?

Forever and Always,

The Eye of the Stormजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें