Until I Found Her Body Being Feasted Upon By Three Vampires*

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My eyes slowly flicker open, feeling the cold, hard concrete on my bare arms. My arms shake as I push myself up into a sitting position, the only light comes from directly above me but the rest of the room is dark.

My hand reaches up to my neck where Ethan jabbed me, it still feels a bit sore but I'm sure it'll be okay soon. I glance up at the light above me and wince at the harsh white light, where am I?

I slowly push myself to my feet, almost falling a few times. I stand on shaky legs, walk towards what is hopefully a wall, once I reach one I keep my hands on the wall and walk around the room, looking for a door of some kind.

Soon the concrete wall becomes metal, I feel all around the door and find the handle. I try opening the door, tugging on it, twisting it, pushing, pulling but it doesn't budge. Dammit. I step back from the door and psych myself up, I take a deep breath and run at the door with all my strength.

I slam into the door and go flying backwards, I huff and glared at the door, this is going to be harder than I thought. I jump to my feet and back up more, preparing myself again to run into the door, hopefully getting it to break.

My body makes contact with the metal and I fall backwards, this time my head ringing a bit. I keep trying again and again but the door refuses to move, I'm sure I've bruised up my arm by this point. I'm about to run at the door again but it swings open and the outside light blinds me.

I fall onto the ground, trying to shield my eyes from the blinding light. Soon the light is gone and I look over at the door, this time someone is standing there.

"I see you're awake," Ethan muses to himself, stepping closer to me so he's in the light more.

I glare up at him and go to lunge at him but out of nowhere, restraints are put around my wrists and I'm pulled back against the wall by chains. I try to move but the shackles burn against my wrists and I cry out, dropping to my knees.

"Mhm yeah, I wouldn't try that again," Ethan smiles, his footsteps getting closer, "pure silver isn't very forgiving to your kind."

I take a deep breath, watching as one of my tears splatters onto the floor under me. Ethan's feet appear in my line of sight and I look up at him. He smiles down at me then crouches down to my eye level, smiling and looking very pleased with himself.

I glare at him, jaw clenching as he continues to stare at me. Without warning, I spit in his face and that seems to shake him from his high horse, but what I didn't expect was for him to slap me hard across the face.

I fall sideways onto the concrete, accidentally biting the inside of my cheek. The blood inside my mouth dribbles down my cheek and onto the concrete below, I look up at Ethan who is wiping the spit of his cheek. He crouches down next to me and smiles.

"That wasn't very nice Evangeline," he bites, placing a hand on my head.

His hand suddenly balls into a fist, grabbing a bunch of my hair. He pulls me up by my hair and then slams my head down, I wail out in pain trying to get free of his grip but it only tightens and causes my retraits to burn my wrists more.

He holds me up so he can stare at me. Ethan rolls his lips, contemplating what he's going to do as blood runs down the side of my head and out of my mouth. He takes his other hand and forcefully grabs my chin, making me whimper, and that makes him smile.

"Why?" I whisper, my eyelids heavy and limbs numb.

Ethan lets me go and I drop to the floor, catching myself just before my face smashes into the ground. I push myself up and lean against the wall, my breathing shallow and uneven, Ethan grabs a chair from somewhere in the room and turns it around backwards before sitting down.

EVERLASTING✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ