Hallucinations, A Minor Side Effect*

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"I just don't get it," I whispered to Jason as we sit in science class, "nothing is adding up."

"Evie, stop worrying. Derek and his parents are figuring out what to do, I'm sure it was just a random murder, happens here all the time," Jason mumbles taking notes from the whiteboard.

I sigh and drop my pen, turning to Jason. "I know but I can't help but feel that this is something serious that needs more looking into," I tell him, frowning slightly.

"And you're starting to sound like one of those teens one those shitty murder shows," he says, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Just then the bell goes and we pack our stuff away, ready to head to period four.

When lunchtime comes around Damon, Jason and I walk towards the cafeteria laughing about how Damon yet again upset our English teacher. Suddenly, a cold feeling comes over me and it feels like somebody is staring at me.

I turn around for a second and notice Nathan leaning against the lockers, glaring daggers at me. He then smirks when he notices me staring and winks, I glare at him before he walks off. I brush it off and walk into the cafeteria with the boys and sit down at our lunch table.

I sit next to Derek and he kisses my cheek. "How was class darling?" He asks as I pull out my black water bottle.

"Yeah, it was good, Damon pissed off our English teacher again," I laugh as Damon looks at me and throws a sarcastic wink with finger guns.

"Evie," Jason says from the opposite end of the table, "do you like, eat?"

I raise my eyebrow at him questioning, "unless you count any form of blood as 'eating'-" I put finger quotations on eating- "then I don't."

"Odd, I didn't know that," Mya says, taking a bite of her pasta.

Everyone soon falls into casual conversation again, I feel cold all over again and look around the room trying to find Nathan. I spot him by the cafeteria doors but he's not alone, each side of him is a man and a woman.

The woman has long golden hair and her eyes are bright yellow, almost sick looking, she is dressed head to toe in a black uniform of some kind. The man has a hood over his head and a face mask over his mouth, his eyes, however, are almost glowing green, I feel a sense of familiarity in them.

My eyes widen as I realise it's them, the people from Friday night, the murders. "Derek," I mumble, tapping his shoulder not averting my eyes from them.

Derek asks me what's wrong but I just point at Nathan with a shaky finger, soon they are engulfed within yellow smoke making it hard to see them.

"I only see Nathan," he says, turning my face to look at him, concern filling his face.

I turn back to look at where they were but both them and Nathan are gone, I begin anxiously playing with my ring, panic filling my entire body. "Did Nathan just walk away?" I asked, turning back to the table.

"Evangeline, are you alright?" Damon asks, Jason places a hand on my forehead but I slap it away.

"Did he walk away?" I demand, Derek grabs my hand to stop me from shaking.

"He did, why?" Mya asks me, finishing off her pasta and coke.

"I saw the people from Friday," I whisper, Jason looks at Derek asking for confirmation but he shrugs slightly, confused as everyone else. They don't believe me.

"Could have been a hallucination? Kara said you get them from time to time," Damon hesitated to say.

I look around the table, a frown on my face. They think I'm hallucinating, they think I'm crazy. Without another word I stand from the table and walk off, I hear Derek call my name from behind me but I ignore him and walk faster. I get to the girls' locker room and wait outside for the bell to ring.

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