Come On Babe, It's Just A Game*

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It had only been a few days since Evangeline had the accident and suddenly became comatose, but it felt like forever. Her family won't even tell me what's happening to her; she just went down on the floor of her brother's bathroom and has been unmoving since then.

Kara doesn't know what's wrong with her either, and we're all starting to worry. Her brothers haven't shown up to school too, it's Tuesday now and noting. I slam my locker shut after putting away my last period books ready to head to lunch.

"Hey! Derek!" A voice comes from down the hallway.

I turn to see Izzy bouncing towards me, a big grin on her face. I am not in the mood for her preppy attitude right now.

"What do you want, Izzy?" I ask her, leaning against my locker.

She stops a bit too close to comfort for me and smiles up at me. "Um, I just haven't seen Eve-" I try so hard not to correct her on not using Evangeline's full name- "around lately and was wondering, did anything happen with you two?" She asks, tracing her finger down my arm.

I grab her finger and remove it from my body before re-crossing my arms. "No, we are fine, Evangeline-" I emphasize her name- "is just sick," I tell her.

"Oh," she smiles, brushing a strand of her dark hair behind her ear, "guess that rumours aren't true, but while I have you..." she trails off.

I stand up straight and drop my arms. In a matter of seconds, Izzy has me pinned against the lockers without even touching me, "Izzy what the fu-"

I sharply gasp in as something is plunged into my chest. I look down and see her hand, wrist deep in my chest, and I can feel her fingers brushing against my heart. She uses her free hand and tilts my chin to look up at her, and she is smirking at my reaction, eyes glowing yellow.

No way...

"Listen closely Derek," Izzy whispers, pressing her body into mine, placing her lips close to my ear, "you and your little crew of idiots need to stop sticking your noses in our business. X is more polite when asking, but I'm not, so back off before I take out one of you next, not just the pizza guy."

She pulls away, removing her hand from my chest. I fall to the ground, gasping for air as I watch her walk away, this isn't good. Looking down at my chest I realise it's like nothing happened, no way...

* * *

I return to school on Thursday after taking all of Wednesday to recover. My parents explained what happened to me, but I still had unanswered questions.

"So what happened to you Evangeline?" Damon asks, taking a bite of his chocolate muffin.

Derek holds my hand tightly, still no use to the fact that I've changed a bit. "My parents said that it was a fifty-fifty chance of it happening but that I'm fine," I start my explanation, taking a sip of my drink.

"You all know how the other night I explained what Shadows were?" I ask and everyone nods, "well my dad would have passed that gene down to my brothers and I. They suspect after having another 'attack' it triggered the transformation."

Everyone looks a bit confused and seems to be doubtful. "Apparently, it didn't have that much of an effect on me, since I was already a combination of two different species but over time certain abilities will show up," I try to explain, obviously this is a shortened version.

Derek said I felt colder than usual, that the air around me was also cold, and that I gave off a darker aura. My family noticed it too, and I felt it like there was now darkness lurking in my mind that I couldn't shake, something dark was following me that left me uneasy, but I don't think that was linked to my sudden transformation.

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