Two Things Inside Me Within 12 Hours*

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Derek slowly falls asleep, me cuddling with him on the outdoor couch, around one a.m. When the sun slowly creeps into the sun he wakes up, he looks confused and dazed at first but smiles when he sees me. 

"Morning," he groans in a sleepy tone. I smile and press a kiss to his cheek, "did we stay out here all night?"

"Well yes, you wouldn't even let me move to grab you a blanket," I chuckle and Derek flushes in embarrassment. 

I stand up and look down at Derek who is pouting, his arms out wide making grabbing hands. "No, I can already smell breakfast downstairs, come on," I grab his hand to pull his lazy ass up but Derek pulls me down, onto his chest. 

"Five more minutes please," he mumbles, kissing the top of my head over and over. I sigh and give it, snuggling up to him. 

It feels much longer than five minutes before Derek's mum, Laura, calls into the room. "Breakfast is ready, you two!" 

Derek finally lets me go and we both make our way downstairs and into the kitchen area where food is laid out on the counter for us. "Smells really good mum," Derek compliments his mum, sitting down on a barstool. 

"Thank you, honey. Evangeline, would you like anything in particular?" She asks, facing me, a beaming smile on her face. 

I forgot how much I loved Derek's mum, she was always filled with such a bright light with a bubbly personality. Derek gets his dark and slightly curly hair from her, he didn't get her blue eyes, that came from his dad. 

"Uh, I'll have anything Mrs Lightwood," I respond, sitting next to Derek taking his hand in mine. 

She rolls her eyes and chuckles at me. "Evangeline honey, I've known you since you were born. Please, call me Laura," she smiles, dishing up a plate of pancakes for Derek. 

He takes the plate from her and thanks her, there are about six pancakes on his plate and I don't doubt he could finish it. Laura places a plate in front of me but I just stare at the plate.

"Not hungry Eve?" Derek asked, cutting into his pancakes. 

"Uh, well," I mumble, trying not to be rude, "my breakfast is just, different."

Laura gasps and begins apologising frantically. "I'm so sorry love! Your diet is completely different! I completely forgot!" She runs over to the pantry and throws the doors open, "what do you need?" 

"Just animal blood in a cup will do fine," I muttered, starting to play with my ring. Derek takes notice and starts stroking my hand with his thumb, effectively calming me down. 

Laura places a mug of red liquid in front of me and I take a long sip just as Derek's dad, Ace, walks down the stairs. "Morning son, morning love," he greets, kissing Laura's cheek. 

Derek clears his throat making them both look at him. "Dad, Eve is here too," he grumbles, a sour expression on his face. 

"I'm sorry Evangeline. Derek normally doesn't have girls eat breakfast with us," his dad chuckles and I smile uncomfortably, slightly jealous too. We all finish our breakfast with light conversation and soon Derek and I head back upstairs to his room to get dressed. 

"Love, could you grab my bag from downstairs?" I asked, standing there awkwardly. 

"Sure darling, be right back," Derek smiles, kissing my forehead before leaving me alone. 

I walk over to his bookshelf admiring his collection more, I am very impressed, his parents must have spoiled him with all this considering he's an only child. I then go over to his desk and pick up a plain black, hardcover book, this must be his diary. 

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