Dressed Like Cheap 'Clueless' Characters*

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It's now Thursday lunchtime, and Izzy is finally here after not being here all week. She sits down with us, a sickly sweet smile on her face, I glare at her but she doesn't see.

"Where have you been?" Kara asks, her tone too sweet for my liking. Everyone seems to love Izzy, but I would rather watch her burn in Hell for five seconds then solve our X mystery.

"Family issues," she vaguely tells us, taking a bit of her apple.

The sound of the crunch annoys me beyond belief, and I can't help but think about strangling her right here right now. Suddenly, Derek's hand lands on mine, I look at him still glaring but soften my expression when I look at his smile.

"Don't do it, Eve, it's not worth it," he tells me, squeezing my hand.

I take one last glare at Izzy before starting a conversation with Derek. After around ten minutes, Damon hasn't shown up to lunch, which is strange; he doesn't like missing lunch. I look around the cafe trying to find him, just then he runs in the doors and motions for us to follow him.

"Guys, come on," I tell the table, standing up and following Damon.

He leads us out to the field where a crowd has gathered in the middle, we all quickly run over to the large group where a few teachers are trying to stop students getting any closer but failing miserably.

I push through the crowd to get to the front, laying on the ground is a girl in her cheerleader uniform, foam coming from the mouth and a pill bottle in her hands, but no 'X' surrounded by a spiral. Maybe this wasn't him.

Damon taps me on the shoulder and hands me a note. I hear Mya start sobbing next to me, this would have been one of her cheerleader friends, I look at the letter which is just a small square of paper, but it has the symbol written on it.

Just when I thought this death could have been normal.

"She was supernatural, a fairy," Kara whispers to me, clutching onto a trembling Mya.

I nod and start walking away from the crowd. I glance up at Damon, who is staring at me, his eyes glowing neon green. He quickly looks the other way, I go to walk over to him, but Derek grabs my hand.

He looks over at Mya and Kara, telling me we need to comfort them. I sigh, and we walk over to the girls, Damon joining us later. Mya has slightly calmed down after a few minutes but still is shaken, X will pay for this.

We watch as police officers and paramedics run onto the field and down to the body, followed by the FBI. We get the announcement that the school has closed for the rest of the day, and everybody needs to leave the school immediately.

"I'll meet you guys out the front, I have to grab a few things from my locker real quick," I tell them.

We go our separate ways, and I run back inside the school and top my locker. I grab my History book, slamming my locker closed, it echoes in the now empty hallway sending an uneasy and cold feeling throughout my body.

I turn and begin walking down the hallways, but as my steps bounce off the walls, it sounds like another pair of footsteps have joined me, I turn around and see nothing but a long hallway.

I pick up the pace a bit walking faster, but the footsteps pick up with me. I'm now doing a slow jog, but the steps keep following along with me. I keep looking behind me but see nothing but darkness; the lights start flickering and soon go out making me yelp.

I round a corner and see the outside light streaming in through the school doors and start running at this point, but the walls fade and disappear, the landscape suddenly becomes different. I fall forward, dropping down onto coarse, dull green grass.

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