People Murder Each Other All The Time*

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Everything was peaceful until I heard a noise coming from the distance, running, but faster. Derek looks down at me, he must have heard it too, we quickly stand and start looking around us. Derek's eyes go golden and mine red so we can see better in the dark.

We both turn to face the 'entrance' to the clearing, most of the noise is coming from there now. I squint my eyes just as a person runs out of the trees, Liam. "Evangeline!" He yells my name, super speeding over to the dock within seconds, "come home now."

I glance up at Derek who is glaring at Liam, just then another person runs out of the trees, Andy. "Liam!" He yells, now standing in the middle of the field, "leave them alone," he tells him.

Liam looks between Andy and me, debating what to do but his mind is already made up. Liam charges at Derek and I at full speed, I know Derek wouldn't be able to dodge him fast enough so I quickly spin him out of the way and shove him almost all the way to Andy.

Liam suddenly stops and grabs both my wrists as I can feel the painful sparks bouncing from his fingertips. "Home," he demands, "now." I glare at him, trying to resist his hold.

Out of nowhere, Liam is thrown away from me and into the lake. I look over at Andy who has his arm out to the side, holding Liam in the water. "Go!" He shouts, straining himself against Liam who is yelling from the water.

I super speed over to Derek and he looks at me in shock. "We have to go, quickly," I tell him and he nods. Derek can't run as fast as me in his human form so I fling him onto my back without a second thought, Derek yells out but I'm already running.

Once we come to a more public area I slow down and let Derek climb off my back, we start walking fast towards my place. When we get to neighbourhood gates Derek pauses for a second, I look at him concerned, "what? Can't enter someone's property without permission?" I joke.

He rolls his eyes at me before walking through the gates with me. We walk up the road, holding a casual conversation, when we get to my house Derek also pauses again this time his face is filled with a pained expression. "Derek, what's actually wrong?" I ask him, taking his hands in mine.

"Uh," he mumbles, "it's just, I haven't been to your house in three years. It brings back some negative feelings is all," he says, looking at my house and not at me.

I cup cheek in one hand and lightly make him look down at me. "You have nothing to worry about anymore. If my dad was fine letting me go on a date with you I'm sure he'll be fine with seeing you again," I tell him, stroking his cheek.

"I'd rather not, at least not tonight," he mumbles, looking down.

A sad smile crosses my face, I place a kiss on his cheek and let him know it's okay. "Can I call you Eve?" Derek asks out of nowhere, taking me aback.

Only Kara calls me Eve and she rarely does it, I'm usually not a huge fan of nicknames, but coming from Derek it makes my heart swoon a bit. "I'll allow it," I chuckle, making Derek smile and blush lightly.

"Okay, go get your sleep for this week," Derek tells me, kissing my forehead.

"You still remember?" I ask, a small smile playing on my face.

Derek rolls his eyes at me, "how many times do I have to tell you? I can't forget these details about you in three years, it was always every Wednesday night."

I shook my head at him, glad he remembered that about me. Derek looks down at me, a more serious expression crossing his face, his eyes flick to my lips and I can already tell what he wants, I nod my head and he smiles.

Derek lightly presses his lips to mine, pulling me in closer. After a few moments we pull away, slightly breathless, my lips still sparkling from the sparks that bounced between us. It's still weird getting used to them being there but it's comforting.

EVERLASTING✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें