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Previously on JFF....
....Ameenah stopped him in an angry tone.....

"Don't you ever say a word like that to my sister and even if she's a prostitute Thompson defiled her against her own will!!!!!" She said casting a danger look at him. Everybody was shocked on her outburst.

Just then the prosecution counsel stood up and said.

"My lord, certainly that was a very cruel things to say by my learned college to the lady before us. I do object that and i shall request your lordship to restrain him from further vulgaris and insinuation".

"Noted. Defence counsel, you will please refrain from using vulgar words to the witness." The judge said.

"Yes my lord, I'm done with this witness". A mee nah came down striking tears from rolling down her eyes.

"I shall call in Mr Thompson the accused" he said

"Yes" the judge replied.

"Mr Thompson!!" The Usher called.

Thompson leaves the dock and goes into the witness box. The court clerk comes to the front and parrot the traditional swearing ceremony.

"What is your name?" The defence council asked

"Thompson John" he replied.




"Manager of export and import of the state."

"Are you married"

"No, am not"

"Are all these questions relevant to this case Defence counsel" the judge ask

"Yes my lord, I mean trying to make a point"

"Just go straight to the point and stop wasting the time of the court by rigmaroling" he said visibly crossed.

"Yes my lord. I shall be able to show you lordship directly in a moment, Thompson please tell this court your own version of the story"

"My lord all this i had been hearing are all the work of my enemies who are he'll bent to see me removed from my post ion and humiliated. The when thing was a setup. When five agents came and arrest me at my own house little did i know that quantities of coccain which they later said was mine was put there to incriminate me. And also the issue of rape, I don't even know the girl, if they'd have said that I'm a womaniser i can agree with that but why will i rape someone young enough to be my younger sister?, all my life I've never seen coccain in my life not to talk of using it" he said while shading a crocodile tears.

"Are you saying that by the statement, you're denying having any knowledge or committing the crime for which you stand trial?" The prosecution counsel asked.

"Yes, I'm denyi....."
before he could continue he was stopped by the prosecution counsel.

"And you know that you're adding more punishment to yourself if found guilty?" He said.

"Yes...en. see....We....i" he stammered

"Mt Thompson!!!!, will you please put yourself together and say the truth?" He shouted at him
"I swear!!! God is my witness sir. My lord I'm clean and have no knowledge of what they're saying" Thompson argued.

"Then what can say on these evidences before the court. Remember the exhibits are still in the court. Now what about the vouchers for instance?" The judge asked him.

"My lord, you see ever since I've been brought here I've not eaten anything am staving sir can i have something to eat"

"You'll be feed after you've said the truth Mr Thompson." The judge said

"My lord, members of the jury, I submit that the whole evidence such as it's, is tantamount to travesty of justice, absolutely irresponsible, without foundation and cleverly woven to implicate my client.  Here is a man who has served the government of his country in one of the most enviable position of a manager, he's loyally and efficiently carrying the name of the state. In recognition of his meritorious service, his sense of duty and integrity. Everybody has been satisfied and his staffs speaks eloquently of his magnanimity, generosity and charisma. He has never before been engaged in any fraudulent or dubious and shady business in all his life!!!" The defence counsel said after sensing the situation as an obvious breakdown of nerves on the part of his client.

The judge looked sternly at Thompson and said.

"For all the atrocities you must have perpetrated in this country under the cover of a manager, which have not been detected, I say nothing but for these ones known and in which you stand convicted, I find you guilty as charged and therefore sentence you to LIFE IMPRISONMENT WITH HARD LABOUR!!!!!!!!.   And no bailout for you." He said and hits the table with his gravel, the prisoner was led away by policemen and there is a general commotion in the court.

"C-O-U-R-T!!!" the Usher announced and the court was dismissed.
Ameenah's  POV
"Alhamdullilah!!" Both me and Fateemah said at the same time before looking at each other laughing and hugging each other.
"Finally!!, I'd told you that Justice must be served! I wish he'll rot in prison"😂I said laughing
"Yup, and all thanks to you Ameenah, thank you soon much!" Fateemah said hugging me.
"Oh, common, thank Allah not me dear" I replied hugging her.
We looked behind us to see miss Anita talking to some reporters.
When she was done she came to us and we thanked her, she also thanked us and all the jolification kept going.
We celebrate our success with her colleagues at their headquarters.
"JUSTICE FOR FATEEMAH!!!!" I said holing a glass of water and there all replied with JUSTICE FOR FATEEMAH before clicking our cups together.
That day i was soo happy and glad that finally Thompson is in prison, this should teach him a lesson of not raping any girl again because NO MEANS NO!!  
The day end and the next day we went back to school and everything thing we've missed was updated for us.

Somewhere in the collage...

All students where wearing their graduation gown happily hugging there loved ones taking photos.

Fateemah's family had come and where there with her but i haven't seen my family.

Miss Anita had told Fateemah's parents about the incident and there where glad that the criminal is at hand but not after scolding Fateemah.

I looked at my phone to see if there's call but no one called as i was about to go back into my dorm room thinking maybe there'd not come i should at least get my things ready.

Just then my name was called, when i looked up it was the whole of my family, did they hire a whole airplane?😂😂

I quickly ran to them hugging them, they hugged me too and apologising  for their lateness but who cares since there her that's all that matters to me.

Just then Ya Muhammed proposed to me and i said yes!!!.

A party was held after that.


Alhamdullilah JFF is now completed!!!!!

Thank you guys for all the supports may Allah bless you all.

         Much love 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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