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   By:Ameenah Lukman Abdulazeez.

     # I slept off, and didn't know when we finally arrived home(I mean my uncle's house).


    ......The house was full if so much flowers,well all the houses around there all look the same with beautiful flowers,when we reached the house he horned,I guess its to draw the attention of his  kids. As i was trying to get down of the car I spotted my cousins coming out of the house together with their mom,I quickly went and embraced them,and also greeted my aunt.
"Oh dear how was your flight?"she asked feeling my body temp.
"I am fine ma"I replied.
" ok.but u don't look alright,your cousins couldn't sleep when they heard that you will be here"she said
"Eyyah why na!".I was imitating my cousin sister Aysha,and they  all laughed.
   Aysha is the first born of my uncle,Aysha is now 15yrs old,her immediate sister Maryam is 12yrs old,then the last born Little Muhammad who had his 5th birthday last month.of all my cousins these three are the best,I really love them,because whenever i am with them i never get bored,I gave them a nickname THE COMEDIANS, because of their funny jokes,sometimes i usually laugh until my stomach starts paining me.I know I was going to have a very good time with them for 4days.
     After welcoming me,we went into the house,the three kids showed me my room and later brought my luggages,I took a bath and quickly dozed-off,I didn't even bother to eat my meal (which is unusual for me).
   "Rise and shine!!! ......it's morning already....wake up!! ..aunty Ameenah,aunty Ameenah!!!...wake-poop!!!!!...."that was what I heard in my sleep,immediately i woke up I saw Aysha on my stomach trying to wake me up.when I opened  my eyes i heard her saying.
"Muhammad,go and tell mom that aunt Ameenah is dead".Muhammad ran to call his mom.
"Hey!,who is dead?'.I asked her in my sleepy mood.
"OHHH!!!..thank God you are alive".she said hugging me.
"Huh...what,who,what happened?"I asked still not understanding what she meant by thank God you're alive.but before she could answer me my aunt came into the room.
"What's happening?,but Muhammad told me that you were dead,what sort if joke is this"she said in fury
,"no mom,we waking aunt Ameenah but she didn't move,we even used water to wake her up but she didn't move an inch,so we thought she was dead,that's why I told Muhammad to go and inform you"Aysha said trying to be serious.
"OMG!,I can't believe what you are saying Aysha,who asked you to wake her up,why don't you allow her to rest for an hour atleast,mtwss😙,sorry my dear for their disturbance please.go bAck to bed and rest a little bit,and you three get down before i blink my eyes,right now!!".She shouted at them,and they quickly left the room laughing.she looked at me and said.
"Please am sorry,I told them not to wake you up but they don't hear a simple instruction,please go back to sleep and rest for sometime,ok?".she pleaded
"Its nothing really,I am already awake,please let them know that i am awake please "I Said
"Ok,ok then bye,i am going out to work so,have a nice day and ohh...my brother is here i have inform him to  take you out for shopping,hope its ok with you?".she asked
"Yeah,it's ok"
"Ok,the list is on the table,bye".she said moving out of the room.
"Bye"I replied laying my head on the pillow and hissed,just then the incident that happened a few min ago came back to my mind,I mean how can the kids say that i am dead.I laughed at myself and stood up and went to the bathroom,took a shower,brushed my teeth and perform my abolition then came out and dressed,as I was about to start praying i heard the kids screaming and laughing,it was then that i remembered that my aunt told me that her brother was here,I have never seen him,but i thought that he is about Ayshas age or a above,I quckiky remembered what I was about to do. *"A'UZUBILLAHI MINASHAIDANIRRAJIM"*was what i said and took a prying mat and prayed.after which i went downstair and saw him...😍...the guy is beyond you expectations,I can't really describe him for you only one word can express how he looks like *SEXY!*...wow!!..he isthe type of guy every lady dreams about....ohhh...my... gosh!!!..let's just drop this description😅.
"You must be Ameenah right?"he asked,it was then that I realised that i was staring at him,how stupid of me🤦🏾‍♀.
"Yeah,I am and you are?".I managed to asked.
"I am Muhammad".he replied.
"Ok,good."I said and walk to the kitchen ignoring the stupid grin he was doing,which i hate so much.. but  heard something which made me to stay still were i was.
"Uhmmm...,you two are flirting with each other"that was Aysha,I swear to you I wanted to kill that girl.but I ignored her and kept moving but Maryams voice stopped me again.
"Hey!!,thts not fair,they were just introducing each other nothing else right aunt Ameenah?"Maryam asked.but I couldn't even turn and face her not to talk about answering her.
"Yes!,you are right my dear".Muhammad answered her,but i ignored them and went to the kitchen to get something to eat,after my breakfast,I went to join the kids outside but my eyes landed on a sheet of paper on the dining table,then i remembered that i was supposed to go for shopping,I picked the paper up and read thtouh it but I was shocked to see what was written on it:
I raised my shoulder and went out where the kids were playing with their uncle..the kids looked so happy with them,from their looks you'll know that they were enjoying his story, I couldn't help but to spoil the joy because I have been hearing about a new shopping mall that had been opened a week before i came here and i have been waiting for the day to come for me to go.
"Get up and get dressed,we are going for shopping,last person to get dressed willnt be going"I said and they all ran back into their rooms to get dressed.I turned to go back inside but he stopped me...yeah..Muhammad stopped me!!!...oh..my..God..I swear i was feel like melting right there.
"Yeah"I managed to reply.
"Uhmmn..do you mind please?"he Saud pointing at the chair in the yard,asking me to sit with him!!😋.
"sure!"I relied finally sitting down,and he sat down close to me also.
"So..u frm kano ryt?"OMG,I just can't believe he is asking me this ridiculous question,but I have no option than to answer his qst..so I replied.
"Yep,I am from kano"I said
"Thats great".he said,good for you too mtwss.
"Yeah,and you?"I asked ...stupid of me right?..well I couldn't help looking at his lips moving😅.
"Am from Abuja actually,but came here for my studies"he replied with his stupid grin.I tried to ignore it but its so attractive.but i finally came back to my senses.
"Oh,that's Gud,which school?"I asked again .
'Oxford university ,a I am actually partaking my PHD right now,I am about to complete the program..well..like..3-4 months from now"he replied
"Uhmmm...thts great but you don't look like a graduate,how old are you when you were done with your masters?"I asked him.
"Ohh,i was xactly 22yrs old then,i was the youngest then....I can't remember the year but i guess it was @the 17 Jan."he replied.as he said the date I replied to him
"Wow!!..that's the same day and month of my birthday".I blurted, forgetting that i have promise myself not to talk too much.
"Really?"he said surprisingly and also looking at me,his looks made me turned away from his gaze...OMG...this guy wants me to faint here😌.
"U-hun,I was borned on the 17th JAN 199..."I quckily remembered taht i wasn't supposed to tell him my age.but he had already known the date and month,stupid me1!🤦🏾‍♀.
"Are you alright?"he asked in a low tone that made my heart melt and recreate itself again.
"Yeah"I said and stood up to leave but he called me back and asked if it was what he said but i said no. It was nothing.and I changed the subject
"Where are this kids??"....
Am sorry for another short chapter,but it's 12:25AM....I need some rest guyx...but i hope you've enjoyed this chapter?(which is one of my favorite chapter)...sooo...today's dedication goes to a very special person...the person of: ♡ABUBAKAR YAREEMAH (ILYSM)..


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