Muhammad's call!

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I kept her food on her cabinet and went back to my corner and fell asleep still thinking about her.......

   I woke up from a horrible nightmare @ 4Am , that's when i remembered that I didn't pray before going to bed, "Astagfirullah"  I kept on repeating it before i stood up and got into the toilet to purify myself, when i was done i came out and notice that Fateemah's bed is still empty
"Oh Allah,Ya zuljalalu wal ikram ya haiyu ya kaiyum, please protect my dear friend for any harm" I silently prayed before spraying my praying mat, did the Ikamah and devote all of myself to Allah subhanahu wata'alah. I did my raka atainun fijr before performing my farillah. After i was done i read the morning Azkar and also recite the holy qur'an before it'll be time for me to take my shower and head to school.
When i was done i dressed my self into my signature cloths (Abaya with a scarf that could be enough to cover my body) and head out of the dorm room, I only have 20mins before my lectures starts, so i head to the cafeteria and bought some food and munch it all before heading to my department.
After a nine hours lectures i was already dried out,I mean what the heck is "Optics and Waves" seriously? , and to damage things more the lecturer is so slow than a snail!. When i came out of the department i went straight to the students Affairs office which is also a long way to get there "oh what a great day!" Note the sarcasm. Actually an idea came to my mind when i was in that boring lectures to inform the staffs of the school about the situation even though I know that Fateemah won't be happy but seriously she gave me no chance, she's missing for a whole day what would she expect me to do?, as i was about to go into the massive building with a bold words STUDENTS AFFAIRS OFFICE    on it my phone begins to humm,  I was surprised to see who the caller is, I can't believe Muhammad Calls!.
I may or may not have been ignoring his calls lately😂, why?, well you see his good looking and hot and whatever you could call him with so his kinda distracting me😉. He actually asked me when I'll be free so we could chat for some time but i don't give him a chance and you know what? He also don't give me a chance he always calls or message me but i don't reply nor answer the calls. I wanted to ignore the call but y'know Karma issa bitch!,my stupid mind won't allow me to rest if i ignore his calls one more time so i heave a deep  breath and answer the call.
"Hello beautiful" he said through the mic,I could visualise his face with that mind blowing smile that could melt ones heart easily😩  'Oh com'on Ameenah you're better than thismy conscience said to me.
"Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah" I sallamed.
"Wa'alaikumus Salam, how're you beautiful" he said and i could practically feel the butterflies in my tummy, I couldn't help it but blush 'this guy could be the death of me
"Morning ya Muhammad" I greeted, i don't actually call him ya Muhammad but i kinda feel shy calling his name like that without cover😂 (Love can do shege to people ohh).
"Morning Mon Amor, how was your night?" He greeted back  back.
"Alhamdullilah how was yours?"
"Alhamdullilah,I was thinking all about you throughout this week you've been ignoring my calls and you don't reply to my messages i don't know why Ameenah but i still respect your decision,please if you don't mind can we talk, I really need to see your beautiful face" he said, Y'know i kinda feel bad for ignoring him all along but i just can't help it. And now I'm a lil busy so i  replied
""I'm kinda busy right know ya Muhammad maybe next time" I replied even though i know there's no 'next time'
"Ameenah!!!,I can see you right now standing in front of the students affairs office, what are you doing there?,is someone bothering you or what?" My heart kinda skip a bit,i turned around to see if i could spot him but to no vein
"Ya Muhammad please where are you" I said giggling like a ten years old.
"Right here my Love" he said from behind me,is almost fell down when i heard his voice from behind me.
"You scared the living death outta me ya Muhammad" I almost screamed
"Don't be so dramatic Ameenah, oh how i missed looking at those eyes of yours" he said looking into my eyes, I quickly tilt my head to the opposite direction cursing my face for turning into a red tomato😁
"Ya Muhammad nidai bana son irin wannan" I said trying to compose myself but failed. Damn am Turing bright red! Jeez,  'thanks ya Muhammad just thanks!!'
"My little angle is blushing" he cooed.making my face go more redder than before.
"That's not fair ya Muhammad,please ka bari" I said still looking away from him.
"Okay ćheŕïė, naji na daina,let's find a better place to talk" he said
"Okay" I said stepping away from the building he followed me
"What where you going to do in that building dear" he said pointing at the Student Affairs office. Should i lie to him or tell him the truth?
" .nevermind..urm..let's go to my dorm so we can talk,huh?" He just nodded but i know he Tring hard not to ask me another question. We walk silently into my dorm room.
"Nice room you've got here love" he compliment the room.
"Thanks" I replied
"So..can i seat down?" He said raising his eyebrows.
"Urm...yeah of course why not..urm lemme get something for you." I studded
",it's okay,lemme just go straight to the point. Um you see Ameenah right from the first day i saw you i knew that you were the girl whom i wish to be my life partner..." okay what the hell!😮
"...Ameenah please be my girlfriend please, I beg of you Ameenah Please don't turn me down, I've been dreaming about you all the time,I couldn't concentrate on my work everything just outta place Ameenah,you've been ignoring me for the past few months and it hurts like hell Ameenah, Ameenah i love you with all my...." no no no not now ya Muhammad not now.
"Enough ya Muhammad!!, Enough, I've told you right from the start that I'd like to focus on my studies i can't be dating and also studying it's impossible for me,am sorry but I've to reject this offer of yours ya Muhammad, I cannot lie to you and say that i don't love you but you should understand that I'd like to get through my primary assignment before dating..."I said not even thinking if my words hurts him or not..
"Yeah, you're right,I'm so stupid,by theway just pretend this never happened,i promise you never to disturb your life ever again Ameenah,am soo sorry" he said almost in tears as he walked to the door,I'm didn't register what my mind is doing till I've found my self locking the door and looking straight into my loves eyes,i need him to see that i love him,but with all this issues of Fateemah everything has been ruined,I don't think this is even me talking.
"Move away Ameenah,I need to go!!" He said almost shouting
"I won't, we should talk this out as adults should ya Muhammad" I said right back
"Talk what out Ameenah,hun?, move away or else..."
"Or else what ya muhammad or else what?!!!."
"Just move away" he said softly
"Ya Muhammad wallah i love you too but..."
"I know Ameenah. I know your studies right?, I've promised you that i won't bother you ever again." He said looking at me
"No Ya Muhammad am sorry for my unthinkable words,I'm soo sorry..."
"I said it's okay Ameenah!!, just let me go!!" He said between gritted teeth. Y'know sometime your body does things before your brain could actually say yes to it right?, well my body did the most embarrassing thing ever by hugging YYa Muhammad.
He just stood there shocked?  I guess..
"Am sorry" i said after registering what i just did moving away from the door.
"It's okay" he said and went to of the room. I can't believe this!. What just happened? ??? 'Astagfirullah ' ya Allah forgive me please..oh Lord what have i done, I said resting my head on my bed. I sobbed till i couldn't have any more energy and fell asleep.
I woke up by the sound of my phone,
"Alhamdullilahillazi ahyanan ba'adama amatana wa ilaihin nushur" I said before moving forward to pick the call. It was an unknown number so I quickly picked the call hoping it will be Fateemah.
"Hello, Ameenah..."
                Hey lovelies!!!!!!!!!!😂

I'm soo sorry for the late update😣..but as you could remember i promised you that I'll update JFF after I'm done dealing with my Project supervisor....Am not actually done with him but i squeezed some time just for you my loves💜..

So how was this chappy?!!!

Hope you loved it!..(even though i can't wait to see who's the caller😋)

Don't forget to;




Thanks soo much guys!
                      Stay lovely💞!

JUSTICE FOR FATEEMAH!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora