You're under arrest!!!👮

Start from the beginning

2. That you Thompson had recruited the commissioner of police and justice Mr Patrick and gained their confidence thereby aiding and abetting your obnoxious activities.

3. And also that you Mr Thompson raped a young lady known as Fateemah Musa, who studies at Oxford Uni, an act which is contrary to the abomination of human rights."

After saying all the cases, the counsel for the defence, a short fat old man in white wig stood up and said.
"Not guilty"
"What are the fact of the case?" The judge asked.
  Counsel for the prosecution, a tall young man in a Wight wig rises and vows to the judge and said;
"Your lordship and members of the jury, the facts are these: in the tip-off, some law enforcement agents and FBI agents were dispatched to his house a
Where some quantities of some substance confirmed to me coca in were found and we're gut her traced to his warehouse which was discovered to be indeed his his out for his nefarious activities, a crime which has been effectively covered and protected by very highly placed government public officers who are themselves supposed to be the custodians of the law, a situation which has made it impossible for the law to take its normal course on the very man. But now, it seems the law finally catches up with them. These are the facts of the case, my lord. With your permission i shall now  call two witnesses to confirm these facts. I call the first prosecution witness Agent Anita" he concluded.
"Agent Anita!!". She goes into the witness box. The court clerk came to the front of the witness box and said. The clerk handed a bible to her
"Take this bible in your right hand and repeat after me,  I Anita swear by our Lord Jesus that the evidence I shall give shall be truth the whole thrift and nothing but the truth" and she replied the same.
"What is your name and occupation" the prosecutor counsel asked.
"I am Anita and i am agent at the FBI" she replied bravely.
"Did anybody make a report to you at any given time or date against Thompson?"he asked.
"Yes. But first i did the investigation myself by disguising myself" she replied confidently.
"Who was that and what investigation?" He asked.
"Mr Thompson's best friend or rather partner in crime and the investigation was based on the type of drug he was distributing around the state.
"What did the friend told you?" He asked.
"Well, he told me about all curious act his friend was involved in, about all the locations he do all his illegal business" she said.
"So can you tell me about your investigation and why?" He asked.
"First I heard about the story of Thompson being a hard drug dealer and that he was not being punished for his act so I became curious and after consulting with my boss on the issue,  permission was obtained to conduct an investigation into the allegations to ascertain the fact. I then decided to nose around for information by going to any nightclub Thompson will be there and beer pale or even gang meetings i usually go in disguise and and after some time i got him to love me and that made me get more information on him and then one day during my last investigation a lady of about 18 years cane into the room shouting at him for raping her, and me being going under act i used the opportunity to save her from being shot by him by smashing a bottle of champagne on her head which made her to be unconscious for some days when she became consists once a fish she told me all about what had happened between them she told me to call on her friends do Ameenah Abdulazeez and i did, when the girl was on her way to come she was being followed by Thompson's hired men but i saved her and took her to safety" she concluded.
"my lord, permit me to tender the investigation process as exhibit B, and these wraps as Exhibit C" the prosecution council said
"You may do so" the judge replied
"With whose permission did you extract that information? I put it to you miss Anita that you obtained those vouchers through the applications of duress and intimidation on disguising yourself to be a prostitute. You are supposed to obtain proper permission before embarking on any investigation especially on such information....." before he could finish talking the prosecution council jumps up and said;
"Objection my lord, my learned colleague is insinuating..." he hadn't finished talking when the defence council got heated up too and said.
"My lord, I am not insinuating anything and I was the witness to answer the question" he replied angrily.
"Objection sustained. The agent is not under on ligation to answer that question especially when it is clear that if such permission was sought from the principal suspect, it's likely to be turned down and in any case she had already told this court that she counted with her boss before taking action. Council for the prosecution, you may continue".
"Thank you my lord, I have finished with Agent Anita, she may step down. My lord i call in the next witness, miss Fateemah?" He asked.
"Miss Fateemah!" The Usher called . Fateemah was sitting neck to Ameenah and she went into the witness box the court clerk came in front of the alter and gave her a Quran and told her to take the path she did and he collected the Quran and went on.
"Miss Fateemah look at that may sitting there,  do you identify him?" He asked
"Yes" she replied. .
"Where and how do you know him?" He asked.
"I met him in the plane when i was coming here to oxford" she replied .
Just after she'd finished her speech the defence council stood up and said.
"My lord, objection, my learned college is going beyond the case in hand"
"Objection overruled. Please go on" said the judge.
The prosecution counsel continued.
"Thank you my lord, so now can you tell me what made you to go to the FBI office accusing him for raping you?" He asked.
"He raped me!!" Fateemah said
"He raped you?, objection my lord. Can my learned college tell his witness to expatitate what she means by he raped her. Because someone who had been raped wouldn't say it the way she said it" just then. A bunch of laughter raised in the court.
"ORDER!!!" The Usher shouted.
"Please go on" the judge said.
"Thank you my lord. Now can you tell me where and when did he rape you?" He asked.
"On Friday night about weeks ago in his limo" she said.
"Okay, I heard that you have a friend also and that your friend was chased by Thompson's guys " he asked
"Yes,her name is Ameenah she's over there she helped me in everything" she replied pointing at Ameenah.
"Okay,my lord if you may permit me to call on Ameenah Abdulazeez, Fateemah you may go" he said and Ameenah stood up and walked to the alter waiting for her questions also.
"Good day miss Ameenah, I will like to ask you some questions, but what i want from you is the truth okay?" He said.
"Alright" she said looking at him
"Okay, what is your relationship with Fateemah?" He asked.
"She's like a sister from another mother to me" she answered.
"And you heard the story of what had happened to her right? " he asked
"Of course" she replied
"Can you give me a fill detail please?" He asked.
"My friends Fateemah was raped on the 7th April on Friday night by a man we knew as Muhammad but was later confirmed to be Thompson. Thompson actually invited both of us to his party bout i refused to go because i have a test on Saturday so i had to study after much argument with Fateemah she went on to the party leaving me alone so the next day when i was on my way to go into the hall am going to write my test  she called me and told me the tragic incident, her bad news made me miss my test that day" she said
"I put it to you that you were only trying to be defensive on this issue, your friend Fateemah is a prostitute,she sells her body to any man...." Ameenah stopped him in am angry tone.....
Alhamdullilah!! Another chappy!!!
So guys JFF has come to an end only one chapter left and vollah JFF would be completed!!!!!!!! Insha Allah....Thank you guys soo much for reading this book even though there's a lot of errors and all but still please pardon me as for you know this is my first book and also English being not my language so there'd ought to be a lot of misspellings and typos.....

So yeah please don't forget to;


Ameenah Lukman Abdulazeez

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