Chapter 10

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"Zeke Beckford!"

I startled awake at the sharp shout of my name, and looked into the angry eyes of my teacher, Mrs Mackenzie.

There were deep chuckles around the class.

"Sorry Mrs Mack," I said, as I rubbed my eyes.

"No, I am sorry.  My teaching of how WW2 started is so boring that you fell asleep.  I obviously need to work on my delivery."

She was joking yet she couldn't be more wrong.  Mrs Mackenzie was the kind of teacher everyone loved.  She did mad stuff like dressing up in a toga when we studied Roman History and speaking in a phoney French accent when talking about the French Resistance during WW2.  But she also took time to ask you what you thought about things rather than throwing facts at you that had to be learnt.

I looked sheepishly away, embarrassment turning my cheeks hot.  "Sorry Miss,"  I mumbled again.

I smelt Mrs Mackenzie's strong perfume as she leaned in closer to me.  

"See me at the end."

I managed to stay awake for the remaining ten minutes of the lesson.  I don't think I took anything she was saying in.  I hadn't slept much at all last night after yesterday's revelations.  My mind was awash with thoughts of my family.  I still wasn't sure if not telling my mum was the best idea.  I thought about what I had found out about Zachariah...

"Right everyone, the bell will be going in 1 minute.  Pack up your stuff and give me your essays on your way out."  Mrs Mackenzie's voice cut through the general class hum.

Shit, I was supposed to do that last night.  I tried to get out of the door before she noticed that I hadn't handed it in.

"Oh Mr Beckford, I think you are forgetting something...!"

Crap.  I turned and saw her waiting with a half smile, her tight curly blonde hair bouncing up and down as she shuffled about all the papers she had been given.

I waited until the last person had gone by me before I spoke.

"Sorry Mrs Mack, I don't have it."

She breezed over to me.

"Sleeping in lessons and now no homework.  That's not like you Zeke.  What happened?"

Sorry Miss, I couldn't do my essay last night because I was learning that my dying father is a philanderer and that I have a secret, long lost brother. 

I looked away from her frowning face. 

"I couldn't do it last night."

"Why is that?"

"Family stuff came up unexpectedly."  That wasn't a lie at least.

She cocked her head at me.

"Want to tell me about it?"

I shook my head firmly.

"So do I have detention tomorrow then?" I said, wanting to just get out of there quickly, even if I had to have a punishment.

She considered me for a moment. "I will give you a reprieve this once.  No more sleeping in my class and I will need the essay by tomorrow."

I flashed my pearly whites at her, "Thanks Mrs Mack: you're awesome!"

She smiled back. "Get on your way then," she said, fanning me with her papers.


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