Chapter Nineteen

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"You found him?" Auston said as he ran into the police station, with Mitch right behind him. 

"He's in there, you can't go talk to him yet." Officer Wilson said, putting his hands on Auston's chest to stop him from going into the back. 

"Why not? He has my girlfriend and I need to know where she is!" Auston said, quite angrily. 

"Auston calm down, he's still gonna be in there when they're done talking to him. If they don't get to him first, and you do, it's gonna go to his head and we're never gonna figure out where she is." Mitch said, trying to pull Auston back. 

"How are you not freaking out right now?" Auston asked, trying not to yell.

"Because he's here, nothing else bad can happen to her, she's gonna be safe soon, and all that matters is that he's here and away from Riley." Mitch said. Truth was, Mitch was only hiding his anger, frustration, and sadness, from Auston, he didn't want to show that because he knew it would only make him worse. 

"I guess you're right." Auston said, relaxing slightly and stepping away from Wilson. "Sorry." He said. Wilson shrugged and lead the two to the waiting area around the interrogation room. 

"So why didn't you guys bring the other two girls?" Wilson asked.

"They're both working." Mitch answered. "Is Ross in there questioning him?" He asked.

"She's in there with one of our top dogs, he's really harsh and I'd be terrified if I were Caleb. Big guy." Wilson answered as Baker then walked into the room. 

"He's yelling in there and trying real hard to get anything he can out." Baker said, sipping some coffee.  

"This is bullshit." Auston whispered to himself, with his head in his hands, and elbows on his knees. 

After about 20 minutes Riley's dad came storming in the same way Auston did, and her mom following like Mitch. 

"Where is he?" Her dad asked, sounding more angry than Auston did. 

"He's in there, he wants to speak to Auston." The chief said as he walked out of the interrogation room. "Hi there, I'm Captain Randy Jones. I was just in there talking to our friend Caleb Rhinks and he has answered the simple questions but for the past hour has refused to answer anything, unless he speaks to Auston. So if you're up for it, Mr. Matthews?" The chief asked Auston. 

"Yeah for sure, anything to help get Riley back quicker." Auston said, standing up and getting ready to go into the room. 

"So before you go in I'm gonna need to make sure you don't have anything you won't need on you. So no phone, wallet, nothing. You can put it in this baggy and we'll make sure it comes back to you once you're done." Randy said. "Also know that you don't have to tell him anything, you don't need to ask him anything. If he happens to ask you a question that you don't like, don't say anything. If you feel like your answer for something might help us, or if you have a question for him that might help us, ask it. Don't be afraid of him, he is handcuffed to the table, ankles and all." 

"Okay, sounds good. Thanks." Auston replied, not really sure what he needed to say to that. he finished taking everything out of his pockets and gave everything he needed to into the bag. 

"Ready?" Randy asked Auston. He simply nodded. "Alright let's go." They walked towards the interrogation room. They stopped right outside of it. "Okay before you go in just know, he is dangerous, we will all be listening the entire time, we're all right outside and if you need anything or anyone yell Randy." Auston nodded again, and Randy opened the door. He walked in hesitantly. 

"Wow I'm surprised they let you in here, your manager or publicist okay with this?" Caleb asked. 

"They don't know, and I wouldn't care if they had anything to say about it." Auston said, sitting down in the seat across from the table Caleb was sat at. There was a silence. 

"Do you love her?" Caleb asked softly, fiddling with his fingers, and tap his foot slightly.

"Yeah, a lot, probably more than what's healthy." Auston answered. "Did you love her?" Auston asked.

"She was easy to love. I admit, I had a terrible way of showing it, but yeah I did. Like I said, a really weird way of showing it. I think my brain kept going to, look tough, don't let her see you as a softy. But I was too tough." Caleb said. 

On the outside of the room Ross and Randy were taking notes. Caleb got a lot softer once Auston came into the room, and he was acting a lot differently towards him. 

"How is she?" Auston asked.

"She's safe. Not happy, but I wouldn't be if I were in her shoes either." It was like Caleb didn't realize the cops were listening from right outside, and that they were recording. 

"Why did you do it then?"

"I wanted her, and she wouldn't come to me, so I went to her before I took her and tried to get her back but she said she was with you. Apparently when I saw her the first time she was waiting for you, it was in your third month of dating and it was like she was already in love, and she couldn't see anyone but you. I wanted that, with her. I wanted that back. I tried to get her back and she wouldn't do it, so I forced her hand." Caleb said. 

"I want you to have her." Auston said. He thought he had watched enough crime shows that he knew what to do. He really didn't want Caleb to have Riley.

"What?" Caleb asked.

"I want you to have Riley. If you wanted her that bad to physically take her from me, and the safeness of our own home, I guess you can have her." Auston wanted to go off, but he bit his tongue to stop himself. Caleb's eyes were bright and he was smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning.

On the outside the officers knew what he was doing, they knew exactly what Auston was trying to get at.

"But, if you're going to have her, you can't leave here until we know where she is." Auston's eyes lightened, like he was trying to get into Caleb's brain. He was focusing hard, trying not to break his character.

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