Chapter Seventeen

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"On a scale from 1-10, how stupid would it be if I asked her to marry me?" Auston asked Patrick and Mitch while they were at a small dinner in the Marleau house, before the 2018-19 season started. Riley, Christina, and Steph were out on the balcony watching the kids play in the backyard after dinner. 

"You want to propose?"  Patty asked, smiling. Auston smiled to himself happily. 

"Yeah, she's honestly the love of my life, and I don't wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. Is that crazy?" Auston questioned. Mitch smiled. 

"Bro, even I'm not thinking of proposing to Steph yet, why so soon?" Mitch asked. "Not like it's a bad thing though." He added quickly.

"i just want to lock her down you know? Make sure everyone knows she 100% taken and showing off that ring on her finger. And damn, I wanna show her how much I love her, and I don't know how else to do that." Auston said, smiling to himself the whole time. He looked out the sliding door to see Riley laughing with Steph and Christina, as they watched the kids in the yard. 

"Auston, have you to ever even talked about getting married?" Mitch asked.

"You sound like you don't want me to propose. But yeah, we have." Auston said.

"No, I'm not saying that at all. I mean, you guys have been together for a year and a half, and I just think that might be a little too soon." Mitch added. He seemed on edge, like he was hiding something. 

"Mitch, are you okay?" Patty noticed it, and questioned him.

"I'm fine, it's just, I don't know if it's a smart idea. I love both of you, a lot, but I also know that she's scared of that commitment." Mitch said, quietly. 

"What do you mean?" Auston asked. Mitch looked around the room, making sure the girls and kids weren't around at all. 

"You guys remember me telling you about Caleb, right?" Patty and Auston both nodded at the question. "Well, Caleb proposed to her, and she said no because she thought they were too young, and she wasn't ready. Caleb didn't take it very well and started beating her, she got out of the house and went to the police station. That was the last time she saw Caleb." Mitch said quietly. "It was after that she didn't seem right for a long time, she was always scared and on edge. She was always looking around her and worried that he was somewhere close. And then it always seemed he was though. There were times when I was out with her, or Emma was out with her, and one of us would see him, almost everywhere we went, we don't know if Riley did, but she never mentioned it. She didn't seem genuinely happy until she met you, Aus." 

Auston sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "So not yet?" He asked. Mitch shook his head.

"I don't think she's ready, mentally. In her heart, probably. But she's scarred from everything with him."  Mitch said, shaking his head slightly. Auston nodded sadly.

"You could always get her a promise ring, that means slightly the same thing, without the whole ceremony, and it's a big thing for girls to get those for some reason." Patty suggested. Auston nodded, now smiling.


"Let's try Pandora." Will said. It had been two weeks, the season had started a week ago, and now Auston took Mitch, Connor, Kasperi, and Patty to look for a promise ring for Riley. The group walked into the Pandora store, and were immediately greeted by one of the workers. 

"Hi there, can I help you guys find anything today?" She asked, smiling.

"Hi, I'm looking for a promise ring for my girlfriend." Auston said. The woman smiled at him. 

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