Chapter Fourteen

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Auston put his arms down and laid his head on top of them on the table in front of him in the conference room. 

Mitch had a new girl over at his house for their little hang out. Steph and this new girl were there and they were both laughing on one of the couch's when Auston showed up. 

"Hey Aus, this is my best friend, Riley. Riley, this is my other best friend, Auston." Mitch introduced the two once Auston joined them in the living room. 

"Hey, I've heard lot's about you, it's good to finally meet you." Auston said, with a small smile, not exactly sure how he was feeling about her yet. He thought she was pretty of course. Her straight blonde hair, almost the same as Steph's, but somehow looked better on her, her green eyes sparkled when she smiled at something Steph or Mitch would say, and her laugh was infectious and adorable.

"Hi Auston, it's good to meet you too." She said simply, going back to her conversation with Stephanie and her game of NHL 17 with Mitch. Mitch was playing as the Toronto Maple Leafs of course, and Riley was playing as one of her three favourite teams, the Arizona Coyotes, seeing as Mitch had already stolen her number one, and she wasn't really feeling the Chicago Blackhawks that day.

"Nice choice, Riley." Auston said as he sat down beside Mitch on the floor in front of the couch.

"Thanks." She answered, smiling at him. Auston felt butterflies, looking down at his palms and Steph elbowed Riley, giving her a surprised look. Steph knew what was going on. Mitch was trying to hook Auston and Riley up, they both seemed lonely and he thought they'd like each other, and by Auston's body language towards Riley, Steph could tell it was working for him. Riley just shrugged it off though. She made her team go down the ice, do some dangles and the Coyotes were ow leading the game 3-2 with 8:44 remaining in the third period. Riley jumped up and cheering for herself, causing Steph to laugh a little at her small dance, and Auston to look up from his phone, him now smiling, and trying to hold in a little laugh too. He liked her, and it was now official. 

It didn't take much longer for Riley to score another, and the game to end, making the Coyotes win the game 4-2. Once the game was done Riley jumped up and did her little victory dance again. This time it was more intense and made Auston and Steph really laugh. Mitch just pouted, he was a sore loser. 

"Sorry little buddy, better luck next time." Riley said, putting a hand on his shoulder, trying to hide her smile. It was rare that she won a video game, and even more rare against Mitch. Once she toned down the dancing, she put the controller down and went to the kitchen with Steph to find something for everyone to snack on and drink. 

"So what's the deal man?" Auston asked quietly, when he was sure the girls were out of earshot. 

"What do you mean?" Mitch asked.

"Well, you've never introduced us before, and now all of a sudden you invite me over, without telling me that she'd be here?" He asked.

"I can ask her to leave if it makes you uncomfortable?" He suggested. Auston was quick to shake it head no though, only making Mitch chuckle a little bit. "Okay then."

"What's her deal though?" 

"Well, she's doing an extra year of high school, and then taking a year off of school completely to make money for university, even though she was already accepted to Ryerson for Sport Media on a part scholarship. She's been one of my best friends for years though, she was pretty much the first person to befriend me when I came to London, and we've just been really close ever since." Mitch answered, looking at Auston. "Why? Do you like her?" He only shrugged.

"I could." Mitch laughed at his response.

"Well she's single." Mitch said, stood up, and walked into the kitchen, leaving Auston in the living room alone.

"No he doesn't, Steph, I don't even know if he's my type." Is what Mitch heard as he walked into the kitchen.

"Who isn't your type?" Mitch asked. Riley gave Steph a 'Don't tell him' kind of look, but with no avail, she didn't get it.

"Auston." Steph said, looking Mitch in the eye and smirking, only causing Mitch to smirk too.

"See the fact that you said that tells me that you at least think he's cute." Mitch said, going to one of the cupboards and pulling out a popcorn machine and come kernels.

"We were just looking for those." Riley said, trying to change the subject.

"Nu-uh, we're talking about this. Tell me, do you think he's cute?" Mitch asked again, looking at the shorter girl, and Steph moving to stand beside her boyfriend, both giving her a sassy stare. 

"Okay maybe? But it's not like I'd have chance with the Auston freaking Matthews. Plus, I don't really know anything about him so for all I know I could hate him." Riley said, putting the kernels into the machine and turning it on. 

"You know what Riles, we can take care of this, you go chill with Auston." Steph said, pushing her away into the other room. As Riley finished walking to the living room, she could hear Mitch and Steph high-five each other. 

"Hey." Auston said, looking up from his phone, and smiling

"Hey." Riley smiled back. He already loved her smile, and now that she got a better look at his, she loved his right back. 


"Mitch it's 9:30 and you have a morning skate tomorrow we don't have time for another movie." Steph said, looking at the time on her phone. 

"If it's a short one we do." Auston answered. He looked down at his arm and saw the relaxed girl laying there. It took four hours for them to fall for each other, they wouldn't admit it to each other yet, Mitch and Steph could tell, but them also being blinded, they didn't realize the others feelings. 

"How about you Riley? What do you think?" Mitch asked.

"I mean I don't really want to move so I'm down for another movie." Riley said, without looking at anyone in particular, but really meaning she didn't want to move out of Auston's arms. She felt safe, warm, and loved. Steph and Mitch smirked at each other, knowing exactly what they did, and they were so proud of themselves.

They ended up watching another movie, it was longer than they all expected and the four just fell asleep where they were. Steph in Mitch's arms on one couch, and Riley in Auston's arms on the other. 

Wow third update of the day damn

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