Chapter Twenty-One

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"I can't believe I'm gonna meet your parents, do you realize how stressful this is?" Auston asked, rubbing his hands together in front of his mirror. 

"Auston it's not that bad, they're going to love you. And even if they don't, it doesn't matter, because I love you." Auston stopped what he was doing, and so did Riley. They both just froze, Riley looking down, and Auston looking at her through the reflection in the mirror. 

"What did you just say?" Auston asked, turning around and looking at his girlfriend sitting on his bed. 

"Nothing. I didn't say anything." Riley defended herself, still trying not to look at him. Auston sat down next to Riley on the bed. He took a strand of her hand and tucked it behind her ear, and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too." Auston whispered, taking her chin and moving her head and kissing her on the lips. 

"You do?" Riley asked finally looking up at him, and now smiling. 

"I do. A whole lot." The two paused what they were doing for a good 30 seconds, not really doing anything.

"Why?"  Riley asked, making Auston laugh at her. 

"Yeah I don't know anymore." Auston said.

"Ah, understandable."

"This was supposed to be a cute moment and you go making a joke about it?" Auston asked, still smiling and slightly laughing.

"Auston, have you met me? I make a joke about everything. That's how I get out of being uncomfortable, but somehow it makes it more uncomfortable sometimes." Riley said, talking a little quieter at the end. 

"You're an idiot." Auston said, shaking his head and laughing. 

"Okay, hurry up, we're gonna be late." Riley said, pushing up from her spot on the bed and standing in front of Auston, him now standing up. 

"I'm ready, you're the one who needs to get dressed Miss 'You have to look nice but I'm gonna wear jeans and a hoodie'." Auston said, trying to sass Riley, making Riley laugh a little. 

"I was hoping you weren't gonna notice." Riley said laughing a little, and she started making her way to the clothes she brought over to change into. 


"So Auston, what do you think of Riley, how's the relationship going?"  Riley's brother, Brandon, asked Auston when they plus her dad sat in the living room, and the girls cleaned the kitchen up after dinner. Auston smiled right after the question was asked, chuckling a little and rubbed his chin.

"She's amazing, I can't imagine what life would be like without her now. I feel like since she's come into my life I've become a better person. I love her." Auston said with a smile on his face the whole time.

"Glad you didn't fuck that up like I did. When I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time I said I thought she was hot and couldn't wait to start a family with her, and her parents took it so wrong." Brandon said laughing, and taking a sip of his beer. Auston laughed a little too. Riley was the middle child of three. Brandon was older by two years, and her sister,  was younger by three years. Both of her siblings had a girlfriend/boyfriend and she was the last one to bring one home. 

"Good answer though, kid." Riley's dad said smiling, seemingly happy with who Riley had met

"Well I meant every word, sir." Auston was still smiling. There was a slight pause in their conversation, slightly awkward.

"So, this might be a bit weird but uh, how do you think this relationship will go?  How do you think you playing hockey and travelling all around North America will be good for her?" Riley's dad asked  Auston, then taking another sip of beer. 

"I think it'll go to the end. I love her and even though we've only been together for three months I already know that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with her. And I think the hockey will be good, there's money there if she ever needs it, there's never gonna be a worry in the world for her because I know I can still make sure she's safe, I can make sure she's okay. I know that hockey makes her happy, and hopefully I can help her when it comes to school too. I want the best for her, and if it ends up that I'm not the bet she can get, and that hockey gets in the way, I'll try whatever I can to make it work, and if that still doesn't work, then goodbye hockey."  Auston said softly, trying to make sure Riley couldn't hear, he didn't want her to somehow treat him and the relationship differently.

"I like that answer too." Her dad said happily. The three girls walked into the room. 

"Keep him forever." Brandon said, greeting Riley, only making her laugh. 

"Why what happened?"

"We just got to know him a little more, and we definitely like him." Riley's dad answered. "He seems pretty good for you."

"I like him too, I think he's pretty great." Riley said looking down at Auston and squeezing his hand she was now holding.

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