26. Repressed Thoughts.

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“You touched my hand and you smiled, all the way back you held out your hand. If I hope and if I pray, it’ll work out someday.” ---Fleetwood Mac.

Chapter 26 // Repressed Thoughts.

                   (Isadora’s POV)

                               I kept looking at the book not believing what my eye witnessing, I let my fingers roam over its rough cover and over the title and Harry’s name trying to convince myself that’s what I was touching was for real, it wasn’t a beautiful dream,

I looked up at Harry to see him looking at me nonstop searching for my reaction; I smiled up at him before finally having the ability to regain my voice to talk.

“You published it under you own name,” I admired looking at him,

“I just printed one copy, it’s the one you’re holding in your hands.” He responded cracking a single hope in me, but it didn’t matter, all that matters now is that he took the first step of getting back to his authoring famous life.

“I didn’t know you write!” Helen explained grabbing her gaze from over the book to Harry as she looked at him in awe,

I didn’t try to look for Harry’s reaction as usual since I was too busy admiring what I’m physically touching, I want to start reading it right now.

 “You know Isa, Faith told me that David was an author too, that’s why he didn’t have time to meet me nor she made an effort to bring me to meeting him.” Helen blurted and I finally tore my gaze away from the book I’m holding to look at Harry,

It is totally the wrong time to bring such an issue.

Harry’s scowl grew bigger as he looked at Helen then at me. I bet he doesn’t know anything about Faith lying about him making that David guy up,

His gaze travelled to the ground, as he played with the small materials that appeared out of the carpet we were seated on.

I cleared my throat trying to refresh the mood, “Alright, Harry. It’s your turn,” I spoke handing him Helen’s gift,

“You didn’t bring him something?” Helen whispered to me, as she noticed no other box than hers beside Harry.

I pouted and she was about to utter something in disbelief but Harry’s mumbling voice cut her off,

“Thank you.” He muttered under his breath and Helen genuinely smiled at his ‘shyness’ as she considers it.

I looked at the looking expensive watch he lifted from the box, it looks so dazzling, as if it costs a fortune or something.

 “It’s for taking care and saving my little sister.” Helen said and I stifled my giggle at Harry’s look,

“I thought she’s like your daughter?” His response came out like a question, which made Helen look at me with narrowing eyes.

“Can’t you ever keep something hidden?” She quipped then returned her gaze to Harry, “C’mon Harry, I’m not that old.”

Helen and I laughed it off, Harry didn’t exactly laugh, but his rare small smile was enough to satisfy me,

“Harry, can I show you something?” I asked as I stood up.

“Why?” He questioned back looking at me with bored look plastered on his face blinking as he did,

“Because it’s Christmas eve,” I replied pulling onto my sweater long sleeves in uncertainty not sure if this answer is gonna satisfy him.

He eyed me suspiciously before getting off his comfy position and standing up as well as me,

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