3. A New Girl.

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Chapter 3 // A New Girl

       (Isadora's POV)

                 I woke up to be only turned down by the huge pain I felt in my stitched leg the instance I tried to sit up on the uncomfortable couch I was sleeping on. I let a moan of pain escape my mouth as I held on my leg in an attempt to erase the pain.

"Don't make much noise." I heard a raspy voice spat at me from the other side of the living room. I looked around to find the source of the sound till my eyes were finally laid on the guy who talked unwillingly to me yesterday. Harry. He was sitting on the love seat resting both of his elbows on his knees looking at me. More like glaring at me.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here." I apologized trying on a smile thinking I would get one in return, but he kept looking at me like I'm some sort of a murderer who just killed his family.

"And you better not sleep on the couch one more time. Eleanor is cleaning the room you'll be staying at upstairs, so it'd be better for both of us if you kept yourself in the room for the whole month." he said in that stern tone of his. I guess that's how he always talks. But why is he being all rude? why would I be imprisoned in the room during the whole month?

"O-okay, but I am allowed to use the bathroom, right?" I asked getting suspicious of his behaviour. Maybe he thought I am some slave or something? . He rolled his eyes in response as he got off his seat.

"Hey, you said Eleanor is here. Can I meet her?"  I questioned trying to be as polite as I could. But I got no response from him.

"May I know why you're acting all like this? I didn't do anything for you, did I?" I kept questioning but got no response from him. "Don't you want me to sta---"

"Can't you just shut up?" he roared cutting me off and I was taken aback by his sudden outburst wondering how he will react if he stayed for more than a minute with my history teacher.

I was about to reply back apologizing not wanting to start a fight with the person who will save me from streets, but the footsteps that were pounding on the stairs stopped me and I looked up to see who to find one of the most beautiful brunettes I'd ever seen. She must be Eleanor. I'm sure I'll look like a ghost if she came and stood next to me especially when I've just woken up.

"Oh! You're awake!" she exclaimed in a very cheerful voice which made me grin up at her.

"Eleanor?" I asked as I tried to sit up but failed miserably as my leg started aching again.

"Yes I am. But please try not to move that much." she warned as she came up to the couch and bent down so we could hug each others.

"Nice to meet you, Isa." she said as she pulled back smiling at me letting me know that she is as sweet as her boyfriend. I never thought there were such nice people in this bitter world, but I feel like there's something up with that so sweet attitude of them.

"Nice to meet you too, Eleanor." I replied making sure I've pronounced her name right.

"Where's Louis?" I asked eager to see him and ask him about that weird friend of his. I let my eyes travel all around the room but didn't capture anybody, even Harry himself wasn't there.

"He's doing some shopping for Harry." she responded earning a little frown from me.

"And why's Harry not doing his own shopping for himself?" I asked hoping I wasn't acting all nosy, but I was just a little surprised at how Louis is doing everything for his friend. Harry isn't a disabled, is he?

"Oh, well this is a long story, you'll find out later." she answered and was about to talk but Harry's voice cut her off.

"Alright, I guess you both are done with all your squealing and that greeting sh.it. Now please Eleanor take her up to the room or even out of the flat. I can't chill in my own house while she's being all over the place like that." he snapped and I was widening my eyes with every word he spoke. What does he have against me? I don't even remember meeting him before to wonder if I've ever done something to him.

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