4. First Communication.

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Chapter 4 // First Comunnication       

    (Isadora's POV)  

                  I sat on my bed doing nothing but thinking of what Louis and Eleanor had just told me. I feel so bad for turning them down, but what they offered me was awful. I wouldn't have the guts to do so to anyone. Especially Harry, he's already had an experience which made him hate girls. If I accepted the deal, he wouldn't only hate girls but humans in general.

My curiosity towards that hatred of his towards the female population is still hunting my thoughts, what made him hate them so much? Maybe a girl played with his heart? but still, that wouldn't be any good for reasons. That wouldn't give him the excuse to treat girls bitterly.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of knocking on the room's door, "Isa? Are you still awake?" I heard Eleanor's voice ask behind the room's door.

"Yeah, come in." I responded sitting up on bed carefully not willing to cause any pain to my poor leg.

"I've great news!" Eleanor exclaimed as she came into the room with the biggest grin on her face. I gave her a questioning look wondering what could ever be in the form of good news for some dull girl like me.

"Louis bought you crutches!" she squealed bringing them from outside the room and to my vision. She kept starring at me obviously waiting for a reaction that would only be the same as her fan-girl, but I'm not that type of a girl to scream in happiness. Especially not at that moment as I felt a huge feel of guilt run through me. How could they still be so welcoming and nice when I turned them down? I've never imagined that people like them even exist.

"Thank you for everything." I mumbled looking down at my lap.

"Is there something wrong, Isa? Did Harry insult you or something?" she asked as she occupied the space next to me on bed.

"No no, I didn't even see him since you and Louis left. It's just I feel so bad that I haven't accepted your deal yet you're still acting so nice around me." I reasoned.

"Oh, Isa c'mon. We're not mad at you, we actually learned that what we wanted you to do to Harry was such a heartless thing, you woke us up." she comforted putting a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled looking up at her but she caught me off guard when she suddenly pulled me into a tight hug, after a while I hugged her back smiling a little as it was the first time I've felt like I had a friend for ages.

“So, you don’t have clothes in here, right?” she asked after pulling away.

“No, I didn’t bring any.” I responded.

“Do you think we can share my closet?” she asked getting off the bed and standing in front of me as she gave me a look that clearly showed how much she was deep in her thoughts.

“I don't know what your siz–”

“No, I think you’re a little taller than me.” she cut me off analyzing every inch of my slightly bruised body.

 “And what does that mean?” I asked letting my curious side show.

“I will take you shopping!” she exclaimed and I just frowned hard at her then looked at my stitched leg.

“We have crutches.” she replied to my confused reaction as she calmed down a little and pointed towards the crutches that were placed by the door.

“No Eleanor, I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ll be able to go shopping and walk for miles while my leg is still freshly wounded.” I responded looking up at her hoping my apology made it clear that I’m not a really girly girl.

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