16. Beautiful Nightmare.

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“Need to have a little trust in me, just close your eyes and let me lead, follow me home, to where the lonely ones roam.” ---- Digital Daggers.

Chapter 16 // Beautiful Nightmare.

              (Isadora’s POV)

                           I looked at Harry’s door once more before leaving off to bury myself in my room trying to think of anything else that could bring peace to my mind even just for once.

I slept the thoughts off before waking up after a few hours, I looked out of the window to see the sun hiding behind the clouds, making its beams barely visible, I smiled as I realized that it’ll be raining soon,

I then went out of the room after having my time in the bathroom and getting changed, to check up on Harry.

The door of his room was left opened but he wasn’t inside, I frowned walking around the house searching for any sign of him, but there was nothing, I noticed his truck wasn’t in its usual parking lot, so I just sighed and turned to walk into the kitchen,

“Wow,” I mumbled under my breath as I found some pancakes neatly placed on the plate with a glass of orange juice seated beside it onto the table.

I feel like I’m exaggerating especially when my thoughts keep letting me believe that it was Harry, who made that breakfast for me,

I tried to wipe the smile of my face setting down to eat, my mind kept wondering about Harry’s issue and where he could have gone early in the morning.

“Ahem,” A loud clearing of throat made me spun around in my chair to see Harry placing my phone on the kitchen’s counter beside him before he left off not uttering a word,

I eagerly dashed to the counter where Harry has been next to seconds ago, and analyzed my cell phone to see the screen parts perfectly glued to each other making it look finer than it was before with a screen protector plastered over it even.

My body betrayed my mind that was screaming at me to just go and thank him, but another part said that he’d turn me down as he did before and tell me that he just wanted to make up for what he’d damaged,

I guess I should get used to him losing his temper and damaging stuff then making up for it the other day.

I made myself a cup of coffee then went into the living room and collapsed onto the sofa wrapping myself up in a smooth blanket since it was too cold to just sit in a t-shirt and a jeans, a few shows played on the TV I was watching and I tried to set my mind on them and laugh along, but Harry kept popping up and crowding my thoughts with his mysterious issues. My hand tightened its grip around the hot cup as I felt a sudden breeze of coldness hit me,

My eyes travelled up to see Harry standing by the newly opened window and looking up at the sky, the rain was pouring heavily in front of him and he seemed to be enjoying it as he extended his hand towards the water droplets with some confusing look on his face that I couldn’t make out.

“You may catch a cold.” I breathed tightening the blanket around me,

He turned to face me and looked at me for a brief second before turning to continue his little game with the water drops.

“I always do that when it snows in December,” He voiced not looking at me but at the raining state of the weather,

“Does it remind you of something speacific?” I asked him then mentally cursed myself; my hands began to shake as I thought he might have an explosion of memories inside of him which will eventually end to his break down.

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