23. Beliefs.

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“Leave me out with the waste, this is not what I do, it’s the wrong kind of place to be thinking of you,” ---Damien Rice.

Chapter 23 // Beliefs.

                    (Isadora’s POV)

                                I tried to pick up the pieces as I read the quote daubed inside the bracelet over and over again, did Harry make this? How could it even be him? I don’t think that little time he had was enough to make him buy a bracelet and write down words inside it. The duration of my little interaction with Faith was all the time he got…I guess?

I shook my head as I tried to think of something else, I don’t wanna be lost in hopes of him thinking of me slightest of the way I do, then get all crashed down.

I went out of the room trying to search for Harry so I could thank him, as I didn’t get the chance to when I was too paralyzed by the gift I received from him,

“Harry?” I called as I entered the living room to find him typing on his laptop as usual.

His gaze turned towards me but returned to the laptop seconds after without him uttering a word,

“Thank you for buying me such expensive gift,” I started but was ignored before him as usual.

“I told you before, it’s like a pay back.” He responded after a couple of minutes of me just standing a meter away from the couch he was seated on. His gaze was still on the laptop during the process,

“It deserves to be appreciated though,” I countered.

He just nodded at the laptop screen in front of him before continuing with what he was typing before I interrupted,

“Are you still working on The Angel Buried In Devil?” I questioned trying to test if he’s still able to talk to me.

“I don’t do conservations with girls,” He responded after minutes of silence still not looking at me,

I sighed, still standing away from the couch. That title of his is like hunting my dreams in my sleep, I do really wanna know what it involves, what the plot all about, many ideas run through my head whenever it’s brought up.

“I just hope one day I’ll read it under your own name, not someone else’s,” I talked not revising what I just blurted with until I saw his hard expression when his head was finally turned towards me,

“Who told you?” He angrily spitted the words and I kept cursing myself for letting the words slip that way without thinking it over.

“W-was it supposed to be a s-secret?”

Course it was supposed to be a secret you stupid mind!

“Louis.” I heard him mumble under his breath as he turned his gaze to his lap,

Louis is gonna kill me.

“It wasn’t Louis, I just thought of it that way cause I’d never seen a book written unde---”

“Save the blubbering, I won’t be convinced by anything other than that.” He cut me off as he looked at me once again, “It’s not that big of a deal anyway,”

I deeply frowned at his last sentence, he always gets me so confused. Why did he get angry because I tried to start a conversation and stayed perfectly calm when he discovered that I know such a thing?

Nevertheless, I found Louis taking all over my mind, I haven’t heard from him ever since that stormy day, I totally should call him and see if he’s coming back anytime soon,

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