6. An Opportunity.

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Chapter 6 // An Opportunity         

      (Isadora’s POV)

               I woke up from my tiring slumber not forgetting about last night and how I suffered because of the huge wound on my leg. After Harry had left me in the basement, I've waited an hour till my leg took some rest then caught my crutches and carefully went up to my room. I swallowed some tablets that the doctor had once given me, and then cleaned off the blood that was streaming down to my foot, but surprisingly the stitches were alright, unlike me.

I got off my bed then grabbed my crutches and went straight to the bathroom in order to get my usual routine done. Washes face, brushes teeth, comps hair, changes clothes then heads to school.

SCHOOL! Oh my god. I completely forgot I’m still a student. How am I supposed to go to school now? I don’t know the way from here; I don’t even know where I am. Besides, I’m not sure if the doctor will allow me to go to school as my leg hasn't reached the level of stability yet.

I quickly grabbed my phone to call Louis and see what his opinion is. He’s the only one I could fully trust now. Before I could search for his contact, I saw that there are 43 missed calls and 23 text messages all from my mother. I opened the last text I’d received from her and started to read it,


I locked the screen then started to laugh humorlessly at what I've just seen. I was so concentrated in the tornado of memories that crashed through me that I didn't even realize the tears that escaped the corner of my eyes. Yes, my mother is right; it’s the best thing I've ever done in my miserable life, my miserable past. She always reminds me of it. She never fails in bringing the tears to my eyes as if she’s making sure I regretted choosing to live with her over my dad. I've never thought she’d believe some rumors made up by the school kids. Never.

I shook my head trying to erase the horrible memories as I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. I then stretched my lips and looked all around the room trying to remember what I was about to do before I’d seen my mother’s missed calls. Oh yeah, Louis.

I brought his contact to the screen and pulled the green button to the side. After a couple of rings his cheerful voice was heard.

“Isa! What’s up?”

“Hey, Lou. Everything is great... I guess. How are things between you and Eleanor?” I asked trying not to sound rude by spatting what I've got to say right away.

“We’re fine, but you’re not. Something is wrong with your voice,” He replied, not sounding like the cheerful buddy he is anymore, “Harry messed up, right?”

“No no, he didn't do anything.” a lie, “I just woke up, that’s how I sound when I wake up.” another.

“Oh, then this is a girls’ issue. Eleanor always sounds like an old mad man when she wakes up.” he joked causing me to laugh slightly even though I wasn't in the mood at all.

“You’re lucky to have her though. Anyway, sorry for bothering you but I just realized something which is really important to me, Lou.” I uttered biting on my nails. A bad habit of mine that always emerges whenever I’m concentrated on something.

“Which is?”

“My school. I don’t know how I’d go there, and it’s 7:15 already which indicates that I’m late. Plus it’s my senior year, I don’t wann–”

“Shhh,” he cut my panic session off, “It’s the weekend.”

“It is?” I asked taken aback slightly by my lack of consciousness, “Okay, what am I gonna do when it’s Monday?”

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