5. She's His Headache.

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Chapter 5 // She's His Headache 

       (Isadora’s POV)

                After Harry had gone into his room, I stood there trying to process what had just happened. Why did my clothes bother him? Why did he get so irritated by me wearing something showing some of my body areas?

I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind knowing that I’ll find many incomprehensible things while living with that mysterious guy, and I don’t want to spend half the time of my life in getting so confused.

I heard my stomach grumble as I was making my way towards the room, and I just realized that I haven’t eaten anything since I woke up. But I don’t know if Harry would be okay with the fact that I’m gonna be sharing his food. Then Eleanor’s words started to race down my mind, however, I knocked on Harry’s door in order to get his permission.

“Harry?” I called from behind the door as I knocked on it. More than five seconds have passed with silence still filling the vacuum.

“Harry?” I called once more knocking as I did, but got no response, “Would you mind if I made myself something to eat?”

I counted from one to thirty as I waited for him to respond, then I gave up the idea of him ever replying to me, so I turned on my crutches and started to get away from his room, but before I could take one more step, his voice was finally heard.

“Do whatever the hell you want as long as you keep your annoying self away from me.” He grumbled and I sighed getting tired of his disrespect to me.

 I entered the kitchen after having a long time walk by the crutches, I was about to open the fridge and explore it, but my eyes caught a pizza box with a note plastered to its top.

“This is yours, Isa so eat it freely without feeling guilty; Harry has already eaten his own meal.

Louis, xx”

The note read and I breathed a sigh of relief cause I don’t have any more stamina to make myself a meal.

I grabbed the pizza and made myself comfortable at one of the kitchen table’s chairs. As I started to eat my branch, my hair kept getting in the way and tickling my nose. Then I remembered that I didn’t have my usual elastic hair tie that I always use to pin my hair up in a pony tail –as I wasn’t the type to let my hair down– ,so I got up and went to search for anything that could do my thing.

I analyzed the tables, the nightstands, the desks, the bathroom, the other three bedrooms and the living room, but nothing was found. As I was roaming around the house, I saw a staircase that was directed under the ground of the house. I think it’s aiming to the basement. I think I can find what I’m looking for there. Plus, it’s a good chance for me to discover the house I’ll be staying at for a month. Hope Harry won’t get angry though.

                I grabbed a torch that was placed by a coffee table beside the staircase before pounding down the stairs till the darkness took over the whole place, without having the chance to lighten the torch, my crutch touched something hard and I almost tripped over a small box which fell shattering on the dark room’s ground causing a loud noise to be heard.

Immediately, I pushed the button of the torch which allowed me to see tons of photos that were scattered on the floor, I frowned sitting on the floor carefully using the stairs as a support and putting the crutches beside me in order to gather the photos back into the box, but many of them caught my attention. I held one of them in my hand. It showed a younger Harry with a girl standing beside him, but the girl’s face was like cut off the photo, nothing of her was showed but her slim body and blonde hair.

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