"Lucky for you, I'm an expert." I tell him, slowly grabbing his large hands and putting one at my hip and the other flat against my stomach.

"Just move your hips. Let all of your emotions take reign." I say in a whisper as his head lowers to the crook of my neck.

It doesn't take long until we're moving against one another slow and sensually to the upbeat music. It felt like their was no one around us. Just me and Talon.

When the song switches to a slower one, I'm spun around and pulled flush against his chest. I was breathing hard and he was staring down at me with an unknown glint in his silvery eyes.

My breathing hitches when one of his warm, large hands cup my cheek and I can't help but lean into the touch, my eyes fluttering shut.

"You are so beautiful." His voice is rough. Raw.

My eyes snap back open to meet his.

"I don't understand this feeling I have when it comes to you. All my life I've found myself wrapped up in sheets with people that I couldn't care less about. People who didn't care about me either. But you are just so different. The moment I saw you. The moment we spoke. I knew that I was screwed."

His thumb sweeps across my bottom lip, pulling it out from underneath my teeth. I hadn't even realized I had been biting it to begin with. But when it came to Talon, I didn't realize a lot about what I was doing. When I was with him, I was unaware of everything except him.

"You scare me." I admit softly and a small smile pops up on his lips.

"You scare me too." He whispers and then his lips are on mine.

They were soft and hot and molded against mine perfectly. Like they were made for me. It lit a fire deep down in the pit of my stomach, awakening goosebumps that covered every inch of my skin as his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me even closer against his body. My arms locked around his neck, one of my hands going into his thick auburn locks while the others played with the hairs at the nap of his neck. His own hand never left my cheek as his tongue swept across my bottom lip, begging for entrance, which I gave him willingly. A small gasp left my throat as his hot tongue ventured my mouth, leaving the sweet yet bitter taste of expensive red wine behind. Never before had I found wine so addictive, so intoxicating, but somehow he made it that way and I loved it.

Moments later we broke apart and I find myself looking up at him in pure awe.

"What the hell are you doing to me?" I ask him, taking in the swollen redness of his lips and he chuckles lightly, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"That's what I've been asking myself since the day I met you." Talon confessed and I smile.

"Let's go sit, my mom's been glaring daggers at my head since we got on the floor." He smirks and I flush at the fact his mother saw everything that had just happened, but allow him to take me towards his parents table.

A salt and pepper haired man that looked extremely similar to Talon, with piercing blue-gray eyes and tan skin sat beside a woman with fiery red hair, a shade lighter than Giselle's, and bright emerald eyes. They were honestly the most beautiful couple I had laid eyes on.

Talon gave a tight smile towards them before indicating a hand towards me. "Mom, Dad, this is my friend, Rose Lovelace."

His mother beamed when her eyes landed on me and she popped up from her seat quickly, gathering me into her arms like Giselle had, just less tighter.

"Oh! It's so wonderful to meet the woman my son can't seem to ever shut up about!" She tells me bluntly and I can't help but laugh as she releases me.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Bales." I respond and she scoffs, waving a hand around. "Darling, please, call me Kimberley or Kim or maybe even Mom. None of that Mrs. junk."

My eyes widen in amusement at her words just as Talon clears his throat awkwardly.

"Mom, please refrain the crazy." He scolds and she punches his cheek teasingly.

"Frowning gives you wrinkles, Mister." She scolds him back and I can't help but smile alongside Mr. Bales, who stays seated.

Ignoring his wife and son, he turns to me and thrusts our a hand. "Sorry, I'm not much of a hugger like my wife and daughter."

I give a small sigh of relief when I shake his hand, causing him to laugh in response. "That's perfectly fine, Mr. Bales." I respond when we both pull our hands away.

He smiles down at me. "Please, call me Corbin."

I nod. "Of course."

Talon nudges me lightly, causing my attention to snap back to him. He smiles. "Me and my mother are going to get a drink real quick. Do you care to keep my father company?"

I shake my head. "Of course not." I reply, shooing him off, to which gets me a smile from his mom.

I take a seat next to his father.

Corbin's expression goes serious after a moment. "Talon mentioned your last name was Lovelace?"

I go stiff, but nod. "Yes."

"You wouldn't happen to be related to Travis and Daisy Lovelace, would you?"

I shift my feet awkwardly as I look around the room before looking back to the man beside me. "Yes, actually. Their my parents."

Corbin gives me a small, sad smile. "I'm an old friend of your family. I haven't seen you since you were around seven. You and Talon were quite close back then."

My eyes widen slightly in shock. "Oh?"

He nods, looking out at the dance floor where Daniel and Giselle still dance with a small smile on his face.


He then turns his eyes back to mine. "You're Mother told me that you left after your graduation to live in Florida."

I play with my fingers absentmindedly. "I did, I'm actually starting a business in interior design when I get back home. Talon happens to be my first client, so I probably won't be home while they set up our Headquarters. Instead I'll be in New York with Talon. Which is fine, because my partner, English, is more than capable of doing that alone with the help of some close friends of ours."

He smiles at me. "You are so much like how your mother used to be when we were younger. She was very independent. Very into her business. I suppose she still is, but she isn't the same."

He gives a sheepish look. "I'm sure you know that."

I nod with a bitter laugh. "More than anyone, I suppose. I can promise that I won't be anything like how my parents are now. Not to mention my brother. To be so oblivious to the ones around you and their dreams is something I could never allow myself to do. That's not the way to live."

Corbin gives me a pearly smile, one almost as blinding as his son's. "I believe you. You seem to be a very beautiful woman, inside and out."

I smile at him shyly before connecting eyes with Talon's just as he and his mother come back towards the table.

"I'm proud of my son for finding someone such as yourself."

I look back to Corbin. "The way he looks at you and the way you look at him." His gaze falls on his wife lovingly, who smiles when she sees him. "It reminds me much of how Kim and I are."

Finding The Real Rose (#1)Where stories live. Discover now