11|Feeling Like Goodbye

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Today was the day.

The day that I was to meet Talon's family. His sisters wedding.

And I was flipping out.

Running around the house like a deranged, headless chicken on steroids.

I had turned my ringer on for the first time last night in case Talon needed me since we parted ways due to me needing to get a few things done alone and him going to the bachelor party, and the phone had been ringing like crazy.

All calls either from Ace, Maddox, or my parents. I would have blocked them if I had the time but between last night and this morning, there was no time for being on a blasted phone.

I run my French ripped nails through my hair, fluffing the shoulder length curls. Yesterday, before my nail appointment, Talon and I had gone to a hair dresser named Margot Rylee for Talon's hair appointment . She happened to be a close family friend and was also joining today's wedding. Margot had me sit and talked to me about how beautiful my hair was and how long it had taken to grow it out. After telling her it took two years, I found myself needing a change. I was the tannest I had ever been in my life and the healthiest thanks to Talon forcing me to join him for morning workouts and picnics filled with light chatter and baskets full of fruit and water. So I cut it.

I had honestly never felt more me in my life and I loved it. It helped that Talon himself was in love with the length of my hair, telling me it was so much more me and helped defined my face like it was meant to be.

We had grown extremely close over the past four days leading up to today. It was like we were joined at the hips now and I couldn't say I hated it. He was the reason why I was moving on and he was the reason why I wouldn't bother answering Maddox's worried texts or Ace's back to back calls.

I growl in frustration when my phone goes off for the sixth time in three minutes.

"What?" I snap, picking up as I walk from the bathroom after checking my makeup and to the bedroom to put on the dress Talon and I had bought from the outlet mall in the town over on Thursday.

"Fucking finally! I've been calling you nonstop for the past almost four weeks!" Maddox exclaims.

"Yeah, well, I've been busy, Maddox. I'm sure you have been too, considering the wedding with McKenzie." I retort in a bored voice.

"It's Melissa." He corrects me and I snort.

"I really don't care at this point, Maddox. I'm trying to get ready so can you let me go, please?"

"Where are you going?" He asks almost instantly, ignoring my attempt to end the call.

"I am going to a wedding with a friend I met a week ago when I left for vacation."

"Vacation?!" He barks, as if it's new news.

It probably was.

"Yeah. I'm going to be gone for a month and a half at the most. I got here Wednesday last week."

"Where is here?" He questions and I roll my eyes, feeling annoyed at Maddox for the first time in my life.

"I don't see why it should matter to you, Maddox. You're a busy man with a fiancé so stop worrying about some girl and move on with your life." I spat and he's shocked into silence for a moment.

"You aren't just some girl, Rose. I love you. You're practically my world." He whispers.

Deep down my heart beats painfully at the words, but it's not enough for me to show sympathy in any way.

"What do you need?"

He sighs and I can practically imagine him running a hand through his onyx locks that don't compare at all to Talon's auburn ones.

"I wanted to know if you'd be able to make it to my wedding?"

I scoff. Of course.

"Depends on the day." I retort and he clears his throat whilst the sound of papers rustle in the background.

"Next month. The fourteenth."

I laugh, despite my will not too.

How great.

Valentine's Day.

"February fourteenth. How wonderful." I snort. "I'm not sure, Maddox. I'm on Vacation, remember?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He snaps at me and I find myself grinning as I look at myself in the full body length mirror on the back of my closet door.

"Nothing is wrong with me, Maddox Steele. I've just finally realized that I need to let go of all my insecurities and all of my wants for someone that I can never have. I've learned to move on and I think it'd be best for you to do the same."

I glance at the clock on the wall.

"Look, I've gotta go. Say hello to Meredith for me."

"It's Melissa-" He sighs, breaking himself off in defeat. "Why does this feel like goodbye?"

I shake my head, allowing a genuine, sad smile lift across my lips. "Bye, Maddox."

With a sigh, I throw my phone on the bed and make sure I'm completely ready and have everything I need in my bag.

The dress I'm wearing is gorgeous and perfect according to Talon, who mentioned that the wedding was on the beach and themed with pastel pinks and dark blues.

It was a navy, backless holiday dress with a floral pattern. It hugged my torso like a glove, but not in an unflattering way and flowed to just an inch above the ground. My feet were clad in light brown gladiator sandals and thin, gold bangles decorated my wrists and gold rings of different shapes and sizes hugged my thin, tanned fingers. I had to admit, I looked amazing for once in my life.

Just as the door bell rang throughout the house, my phone went off, this time my brothers name popping up on the screen.

I'm quick to decline and turn off the ringer before shoving it into my handbag and heading downstairs.

Opening the door, I can't help but fill all the air leave my body in shock.

"You clean up nice, Sis."

The devilish smirk causes my blood to run cold and I can't help but think the man before me is nothing like he used to be.


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