"I love you" Part 2

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Just for the rest of the night. That's what Dean had told himself, what he had mentally promised Sam. He'd search for a way to get Cas back, but only for tonight. Tomorrow they would follow the lead on Chuck, and after that he would set aside everything to kill that sonovabitch, and then he would get Cas back.

He would get Cas back.

But there was no way he was going Chuck killing tonight, and all of them knew it. Sam said they should all try to get some sleep, and they'd start fresh in the morning.

Yeah right. Everyone in the world but the three of them had been thanos snapped, Cas was dead, and Sam and Jack had just found out that Cas had died professing his love to Dean, who returned the feeling.

It'd be a fuckin miracle if they even attempted to shut their eyes tonight.

So rather than wasting time laying on his bed in pointless mourning, Dean decided to do something productive with his time. Sam had told him to quit it with the research- they hadn't found anything on the Empty before- but Dean wasn't giving up.

So one more night. One more night to try for Cas, and then he would focus on Chuck....

....If only focusing on Chuck would get those words out of his head.

But after six more hours of nothing, nothing, NOTHING- Dean got something. He would've called it a miracle, but there were no such things. Not in this world.

Not in a place where he'd had to watch Cas die like that.

It was a spell that, if he had read the lore right, should drop him into the Empty. It wouldn't summon it here, it wouldn't bring Cas back or wake him up, but hey, he had much better chances of negotiating for Cas's life in the Empty than out of it.

So he gathered up the stuff for the spell and got to work drawing a fancy sigil on the floor.

There was probably a 50/50 shot of the spell killing him, but Dean didn't really give a shit. It had equal chances of bringing Cas back to him, even for a moment, and he liked those odds.

Unfortunately, the spell took longer than he'd thought to put together, and by the time he'd finished, Sam and Jack had given up on sleeping as well, slowly wandering into the library as Dean began the final step.

"Dean?" Sam said, suddenly alarmed as Dean stood in the center of the sigil circle, cutting his palm with a knife. "What are you-" Dean looked up at him, desperate.

"I need him back, Sammy." He said, letting his blood drop to the floor.


There was a flash, and Dean vanished from the circle, leaving Sam and Jack staring at the spot where he'd been with wide eyes.

"What do we do now?" Jack asked. Sam looked towards the books and ingredients left abandoned on the table.

"Figure out what the hell he just did first, then how we get him back."


Dean crash landed in an empty black space and immediately started looking around.

But there was nothing to look at. There was nothing. It's called the Empty for a reason after all.

"Hello?" He called, getting to his feet. "CAS?"

There was a noise in the distance, like a slamming door, and the Empty appeared before him.

"YOU-" It started, furious. 

"I want Cas back. Now." Dean snapped back. The Empty let out a long suffering groan.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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