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Can we all just take a moment, and acknowledge something?

Now, I don't care if you ship Destiel, Sabriel, Wincest, Michifer, or Megstiel or whatever- YOU STILL HAVE TO CARE A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THIS.

Now, I don't care if you ship Destiel, Sabriel, Wincest, Michifer, or Megstiel or whatever- YOU STILL HAVE TO CARE A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THIS

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Dean Winchester. The man who has been to hell and back multiple times. The guys who has died hundreds of times. Who has been stabbed, shot, tortured, and watched helplessly as all of his family and friends have died around him repeatedly-

And yet the worst night of his life is when his little brother leaves him.

I'm not screaming- you are.

This is the SAME guy, I remind you, who once got arrested for stealing bread and peanut butter because he was afraid that his brother would go hungry.

Same guy that stole Christmas presents from somebody else's house, at what, age ten, just so that his brother could have presents to open.

Same guy that sold his soul without hesitation to bring his brother back from the dead.

Same guy that tossed his chance at a normal life out the window EVERY time because he couldn't bring himself to leave Sammy alone with John.

Same guy that was content to let Lucifer- LUCIFER- beat him to death, just so Sammy would know that he was still there for him.

Dean freaking Winchester, people.

It's not gonna be the show itself that kills me. Nor the scares. Nor the very idea of Destiel or Sabriel- This show is going to kill me because I cannot physically find words to express how much the brotherhood between Sam and Dean just HITS me.

Dammit, these boys and their road trips are gonna be the death of me.

The fact that they're hot just makes things worse.

The fact that they're hot just makes things worse

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My ovaries didn't sign up for this shit, dammit

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My ovaries didn't sign up for this shit, dammit.

Destiel One-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora