Supernatural, Meet Lucifer

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A/N: Lucifer Supernatural crossover!!! Why has this not happened yet?

Sam and Dean were working a case, and it happened to lead them to Los Angeles.

And seeing as they arrived a little late to hit up a crime scene and inspect a corpse, the boys headed to the local police department to get an autopsy report.

But they were in for a few nasty surprises inside the L.A.P.D.

A blonde woman in a pants suit stopped them near the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked. The Winchester flipped out their FBI badges.

"I'm Agent Torres," Dean began. "This is my partner, Agent Lane; we're here on the Adams case?" The woman nodded.

"The homicide case," she agreed. "I'm Detective Decker, I was assigned the case here- we don't have much information to go on yet, unfortunately."

"Do you have an autopsy report on the vic?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, our forensics team was right on that. Come on," She lead the boys further into the P.D., and poked her head in the forensics office. "Hey Ella, do you have the autopsy for the Adams case? We've got a couple FBI guys that need to take a look at it."

"Sure!" Ella said cheerfully, grabbing the report. She turned around, her eyes landing on the Winchesters, and she promptly dropped the papers.

Sam and Dean's eyes widened, recognizing the woman before them. Sam opened his mouth to speak, but Ella beat him to it.

"No," She declared. "No. No no no, You can't be here."

"How are you-" Dean started.

"But we saw-" Sam whispered. The three of them stared at each other, and Chlor glanced between them, confused.

"Do you know these guys?" She finally asked.

"Ye-" Dean started.

 "NO!" Ella declared. "No, nope, not at all, don't worry about it," She practically shoved Chloe out of the Forensics office and slammed the door shut behind her, whipping around to stare at the Winchesters. "Why are you here?" She squeaked.

"How are you alive?" Sam demanded. "We thought Lilith killed you."

"I DON'T KNOW!" Ella said, panicked. "There was a little girl, and she just murdered everyone. Everyone! She attacked me and I played dead, but then I didn't die, and just- You can't be here!"

"Why not?" Dean questioned.

"Because nobody HERE knows about THAT! They'd think I'm crazy! And maybe I am. After all, I think some little girl went around and murdered everyone. That's insane, right? I'm insane."

"It wasn't a girl. It was a demon." Sam explained. "Her name was Lilith."

"Oh, like that makes it better? Don't tell me she's here. She's here, isn't she? She found out I survived, and now she's come back to kill me."

"Lilith is dead," Dean assured her. "You're not in danger here,"

"I have to be if you two are here."

"That's not-" Sam sighed. "Look, we're just going to take care of this case, and then we'll leave and you'll never hear from us again. Alright?" Ella hesitated.

"Alright," She reluctantly agreed.


Outside the forensics office, Chloe tried to look in, confused.

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