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Set in AU

It started with a party. The party of the year.

It was the night after the last day of school in Lawrence, Kansas, and as a way to kick off the summer, Michael Shurley was throwing a party.

Michael was the captain of the football team, and he lived in a huge house that came pretty close to a mansion. He was the prom King, the most popular kid, and he invited the whole school to the party.

The entire school, including all of the geeks and nerds that would usually have been left out of popular kids parties. But Michael was good like that. He was a little spoiled, but he at least made an effort to include everyone, and you couldn't hate him for that.

The Novak kids, all six of them, couldn't wait to go. Except for Castiel, of course. He hated parties. All the loud, awful music, the yelling people. It was too much, and frankly, he hated it. But he was being forced to go to Michael's end of the year bash.

"You're going." Lucifer, his older brother declared. "And you're gonna have a great time."

"No, I won't." Castiel confirmed. "I hate parties, Luci, you know that."

"I know," Luci whined. "But I promise Mikey that all my siblings would be there, and that they'd bring their friends." Yes, Lucifer was Michael's boyfriend. A fact that just made avoiding the party even worse.

"I don't want to go! I'll just end up cowering in a corner until somebody takes me home." Cas declared, and he wasn't wrong. 

"Charlie's going."

"Charlie is not socially awkward."

"Dude, either you let ME force you to go, or I'll unleash the angry red lesbian on you." Castiel's eyes widened in horror. Charlie was his best friend, but if she thought he was going to chicken out of going to a party, well.... It wouldn't end well for Cas.

"Alright." Castiel gave a long suffering sigh. "I'll go."

"YES! You're the best, Cassie! And you'll have a great time, you'll see."

"Uh huh."


Dean Winchester wasn't a huge party person, but he showed up to Michael's party because hey, Michael was his friend and it was always nice to hang out with friends.

The house was packed when Dean arrived, to no one's surprise. It was Kansas. There wasn't much to do, so a party was something almost nobody passed up on.

It was intoxicating, the thrill of it all. The music thumping through the house, people dancing, laughing, playing games, and drinking way too much of the fruit punch that Crowley had totally spiked earlier. 

Some people were holed up in one room, playing beer pong, while others had jumped into the in-ground pool in the back of the house. The party fever quickly infected Dean, and before he knew it, there was a drink in his hand and he was swaying along to the music as he moved around the house.

After awhile, Dean turned into a less crowded room to catch a break. It was a calm living room, and Dean paused at the sight of someone on one of the couches. It was a dark-haired kid about his age, with blue eyes. He sat boredly on the couch, kinda looking like he wanted to go home.

Setting down his cup, Dean walked over.

"Hey," He started. The boy glanced up at him, and Dean let out a hum. Mystery boy's eyes were soooooo blue.

"Hello." The boy offered.

"Not a party fan?" Dean guessed.

"Not really." The boy half smiled at him. Dean could hear a new song being clicked on, and an idea popped into his head. He held out a hand to the boy.

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