Run Away

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Set in AU

Dean and Cas were laying in the backyard of Dean's house, staring up at the sky. Cas was using Dean's chest like a pillow, while Dean ran his fingers through Cas's hair. The two boys had been best friends forever, in their opinion, and they had been dating for the past three years. It just seemed easy and obvious to them that they'd be spending the rest of their lives together, with little complications.

Cas and Dean didn't have the easiest lives, but then again, nobody did. Castiel's family was like living in hell- his siblings hated him, his dad had run out years ago, and his mother was a general prick. It didn't help that his family shunned him every day for being gay, and said he was going to hell.

Dean thought he had it a little easier than Cas, but it still wasn't good. His mom was nice, and he got along with his little brother, but it was his dad that was the issue. Openly, the Winchester family supported Dean in being gay. But behind closed doors is when John would bring out the belt. Dean's mother had no idea that John secretly abused his son, and Dean preferred to keep the matter quiet. Sam knew, but only because he had accidentally walked in Dean's room, and seen his older brother attempting to patch up his wounds. Even Cas didn't know, and Dean knew he should tell his boyfriend, but he thought Cas had enough to worry about.

"Hey Dean?" Cas asked suddenly, his voice serious.

"Yeah?" Dean replied lazily, twirling Cas's hair in his fingers.

"You ever think about running away?" Dean paused.

"....Yes." He admitted.

"I've thought about it a lot." Cas explained. "And.... I think I'm gonna do it."


"I wanna run away, Dean. I just... I can't take another moment in that house- I can't."

"But where would go? What would you do- what about school?" Dean questioned, slightly alarmed. If Cas left him alone.... No, he couldn't take that. Cas was the main reason Dean got up in the morning- he couldn't just leave!

"I don't know," Cas sighed. "I'd travel the country and figure out where to stay. I'm eighteen, I could get a job in a bookstore or something. And honestly, Dean, I don't even care about school anymore."

"That's ridiculous, Cas, you're the smartest kid in school. It'd be such a waste if you didn't go to some fancy college." Cas barked a sarcastic laugh.

"You think my family's gonna pay for ME to go to college?" He insisted. "I'm the most hated of eight siblings, Dean, and all my sisters want to go to college. My mother won't pay the application fee, let alone the tuition if I got in somewhere." Dean frowned, but he knew Cas was right.

"I don't want you to go." He admitted.

"Then come with me." Cas declared. "I know you hate things here too, Dean, and I don't want to leave you any more then you want me to leave. But I have to go, Dean- it's my only option. But you could come with me, you're old enough! We could road trip across the country together, and live out our lives somewhere our problems will never find us!" Cas turned to look at him, and Dean's green eyes went sad.

Because Dean couldn't leave. He was old enough, he had a car- hell, he even had the money stashed up- but he couldn't leave. If he did, John would turn his anger to Sam, and Dean couldn't let that happen. He couldn't run away and leave his family with a monster like John.

"I can't." He whispered, wanting to cry as he watched Cas's face crumple. "I want to- God, Cas, there's nothing else I'd rather do, but I can't leave."

"Why?" Cas looked so confused, so on the verge of heartbreak. Dean shook his head.

"I can't leave Sam alone."

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