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1 year later

[Chaeyoung's POV]

I'm in my house, laying down on the couch while watching some random channels.

After that, I realize that I've been jumping channels for more than 2 times.

Feeling bored, I then stood up and went out, having the urge to eat mum's ginseng steam chicken soup.

I went to mum's shop which seems to have long queue.

I went in and saw mum busy cooking small pots of soup.

I went to her and stood beside her.

She looked up and once she saw me, she smiled and I smiled back.

"You're here again. Craving for the usual?" Mum asked and I nodded.

"Will be served very soon." Mum said and I pecked her cheek.

"Thanks mum!" I said and she turned her gaze back to the pots of soup.

Seeing the kitchen staffs working so busily, I then took a available apron and put it on.

I then help mum to cook some other soup and served it.

And you guys must be wondering how I know how to cook?

Of course I stole some skills and techniques from my mum so when she's busy, I can help her.

Not long later, the orders reduced.

Everybody start to work in a more relax manner than earlier.

Once it's lunch time, mum cooked my favourite soup and I happily eat it.

"Still no news of her?" Mum asked and I sighed.

I shook my head and looked down in the soup.

"It's okay... I believe that you and her are still fated to meet again." Mum said and I smiled.

I looked at her and mumbled a thank you to her.

Of course, even though 1 year have passed, I still love her very much.

And there is not even a day I don't miss her at all.

And that person is Myoui Mina.

Even though I'm very shock when she pushed me to Somi but I know her intention.

All she wanted is just to let Joohun have a complete family.

But after that wedding ceremony, I didn't heard from her again.

There's still some of her things in my room and I just can't bare to keep it.

Even her makeup kit, I also leave it on the dressing table.

Her slippers for her to wear in the house is also at the same place.

Some of her clothes is still hanged in my wardrobe and even our pictures.

Especially one picture and that is our wedding picture.

It is still hang on top of my bed's headboard on the wall.

After I finished the soup, I exited mum's shop and decided to walk around for the food to digest before going home as I feel that my stomach is about to explode.

When I was walking around in a park, I can hear the birds chirping happily and the sound of the water running down the small slope at the lake.

I can also feel the wind hitting my skin softly while the howling sound of the wind can be heard perfectly.

My Personal Assistant | Michaeng | {COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang