Chapter 7: Puppies!

Start from the beginning



"Go get water and I have a towel in my backpack."

"Okay." And with that I ran, I ran as fast as I could the second fastest I've ever ran.

I started to see the house I ran in and saw his backpack and grabbed a bowl I quickly ran back.

When I got their, Mia had 3 puppies and still in labour.

"Here!" I said giving him the towel.

He quickly put the puppies on the towel and started to get all of the blood off of them.

1 hour later

Mia did it she was a proud mom of 8 puppies Jason was right they will be a handful but all well.

We still have to name them but we will do that later.

We started to walk back to the house and when we got their I put the 4 puppy's I had down. I went outside and picked an apple from the tree.

"Still not ready to harvest for the winter." I thought aloud.

I took three bites and gave the pieces of apple to the rabbits I'm surprised that I haven't seen them do anything with each other weird.

I took the bowl from them and went to the pond that was closest the the house and filled it up when I got back I was bored and I wanted to do something.

So I placed the bowl of water back into the cage grabbed my bow and arrows and began to walk into the forest.

I went back to the tree I used last time climbed up it and waited, and waited, and waited.

About an hour later I saw a baby deer and usually where their is a baby their is a herd.

I saw a few more deer so I pulled my bow off of my back and waited for a perfect deer to come out of behind the bushes, just then a massive buck (male deer) came out of the forest.

I didn't want to kill him because if I did the heard wouldn't be able to repopulate I then saw a perfect deer come out of the bush.

I pulled out and arrow and put it on the bows string I sat up straight sucked in my small stomach pulled the string back aimed and fired. Direct hit.

All of the other deer ran including the baby and the one I shot I climbed down the tree and started too run to where the deer were headed.

When I got their I saw all the deer around the injured one as it fell over like they were protecting her they would not move so I knew I would have to wait them out.

A couple hours later the deer died, and the others had no choice but to leave so as soon as they did I took my chance and went to the deer I took the arrow out of her stomach.

"Thank you, your deaths will be put to good use you have saved many lives. Thank you" I mumble as I started to carry it back home.

Jason's P.O.V

She has been gone for awhile now I was starting to get nervous but then I saw her walk out of the forest dragging something I started to jog towards her.

When I got to her she was dragging a dead deer.

"Need any help?" She jumped and dropped the deer.

"Didn't you mother ever tell you not to sneak up on a person?" I just laughed and helped her.

I never really looked at into Lauren's eyes before they were a dark shade brown. But they seem familiar like I've seen them awhile back.

"Did you here me?" Lauren asks me.

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