Mina, who had been dozing off in the loveseat bolted upright.
"Miyazato's!! I've been DYING to go for so long!! It's right next to the Tanabe fairgrounds!"

"Sounds good to me!" Denki cheered with a grin. "Say, could I invite Jiro? I heard her talking to Uraraka about how she'd never been to a fair before. You said it's close to fairgrounds right? Maybe we could go there after we eat!

Sero paused, tapping the screen of his phone for a few minutes before looking up with a wide smile. "There's a fair happening there right now! It's relatively inexpensive too!"

"Is this place fancy, Mina?" Mina was bouncing slightly in excitement. "It's kinda fancy, but it's not too bad. I also know for a fact there's a couples discount, if we pair up we could save a bit of money for the fair!"

"Pair up? But that means one of you would be without a date, since I'm bringing Jiro."

"MINA PAIR WITH ME." Sero was surprisingly loud. He cleared his throat, a light blush appearing on his cheeks. Mina laughed and the others joined in. "Of course Sero. But Kiri, who are you going to bring?"

"Well... I'd like to ask Bakugo."

The others looked shocked.
"Do you really think he'd agree? He never comes out with us... and would he be ok with the couples discount? Especially after, uh, after what happened the other day?"

"I can go ask him, I'm sure he'll come!" Kirishima stood abruptly, feeling slightly lightheaded as he moved quickly towards the stairs. "I'll be right back!"

He could hear the group murmuring behind him as he started up the stairwell.


"Come on Bakugooo!" Kirishima groaned, pulling dramatically on the ash blonde's arm as he sunk to the floor next to his desk chair.
"I said no, shitty hair. I have no interest in wasting my night with a group of idiots when we have an English test on Tuesday. You should be studying too, unless you want to fail." Bakugo's crimson gaze regarded him critically from over his reading glasses.
"Besides, my cooking is probably much better anyways. I could cook for us here and not waste a ton of money."

Kirishima sighed, moving to the bed and flopping onto his back.

"You're right... but I was really hoping you'd come. Mina says the food is really good, and apparently there's a fair nearby so that could be fun." Kirishima paused, raising his eyes to look at the grumpy blonde who was dragging his finger over a row of English vocabulary words.
"Maybe we could sneak off... we'd have all sorts of time with nobody else around." Kirishima sighed exaggeratedly, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he noted Bakugo's paused hand  "Oh well, since you don't want to go I'll just have to find another date. I wonder who would want to pair up with me."

"Pair up? What the hell are you talking about?"

Kirishima bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the now flustered looking Bakugo.

"We're all pairing up for a couples discount, so we have enough money for the fair afterwards. But since you're so busy with your homework I guess I'll have to ask someone else."

Bakugo whirled around in his chair, his glasses flying off his face onto the carpet. "You will not. I'm taking you, hair for brains." At this, Bakugo stood from his desk and stomped towards his bed. In a fluid motion he swung himself up onto the mattress, straddling the red head's hips. He leaned down, placing his hands on either side of Kirishima's face and moved so that their faces were mere inches apart. "Why would you want anybody else to take you?"

Kirishima felt his breath hitch in his throat as Bakugo paused. "Is... is this ok?" Bakugo seemed unsure, most likely remembering the events from just a couple of days ago. Kirishima nodded, raising a hand to touch the side of his cheek. Bakugo lowered his head, brushing his lips against Kirishima's neck and trailing small kisses gently along his throat. "So you're coming?" He croaked, feeling the other's breath hot on his neck. Bakugo raised his face back to Kirishima's once more. "Whatever," he grumbled, but the tint in his cheeks gave him away, "I'm not wearing a fucking tie though." Kirishima grinned, lifting his face up and pressing his lips into Bakugo's. He was still at first, but after a moment, Kirishima could feel him kissing him back.

This kiss was nothing like the one they had shared the night before. They were moving faster now, almost as though they were in a rush. Their kiss deepened, and Kirishima felt Bakugo's teeth nip onto his lower lip. His gasp was swallowed as their tongues met and all the distance between them seemed to disappear. He twined one hand into Bakugo's thick blonde hair and they eventually calmed down some, pulling apart to catch their breath. Bakugo sat up, eyeing Kirishima with a small smile. "Just tell me when to be ready."

Hey there everyone, sorry for the brief hiatus. I had a lot going on, so have some passive-aggressive Kirishima ~ Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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