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Thank you Floralemi for suggesting this

Betty's POV

I came into school with my usual smile on my face.

I went to my locker only to be met with the one and only Cheryl Blossom.

"Hey Betty you're sweater's looking a little tight don't you think TT?" Cheryl stated looking to her girlfriend. 

"Yeah it does Cher. To be honest I'm kind of surprised jugheads still even with a pig like her." Toni replied kicking off of her locker standing from her previous position. 

"Oh well TT lets go If we stay too long we might catch whatever that thing has" Cheryl said before linking her arm with Toni's.

Betty was left standing at her locker shocked at what had just happened. 

"Hello, how is my gorgeous girlfriend doing?" a voice came from behind her. She instantly recognized it as Jugheads. 

She cleared her throat and said " Hi Juggie, I'm doing fine how is my handsome boyfriend doing?" She stood up on her tip toes to give him a kiss.

"Well my day has just gotten increasingly better now that I get to see your beautiful face" he stated with a smile leaning against the locker right next to hers. 

"Aww Juggie you're so cute" she said booping his tiny snoot. 

"I am not cute,  I am a ferocious and powerful gang leader. If anything YOU are the cute one." he said grabbing her waist and kissing her with sweetness. 

"UGGGGGHHHH Gag me, you guys are disgusting save it for bed" Toni said coming up from behind Betty.

"Hey T what's that some kinky shit you and Cheryl are trying?" Jughead said smirking at his best friend while betty was tugging at her sweater.

Toni smirked at Betty seeing as how Cheryl's and her words had gotten to her and said "That is for Cher and I to know and for your imagination to run wild"  

"Gross Toni" Jughead replied bringing Betty closer to his side where she gladly snuggled into feeling safer in his embrace. 

Over the whole entire day Cheryl and Toni whispered in her ear, SLUT, WHORE, or ATTENTION SEEKING BITCH. 

These words had somehow gotten to Jughead and he felt extremely pissed at everyone who had now copied the people who originated the words, who to Jughead were still a mystery.

Betty was sat crying in the blue and gold when jughead came through the door. He looked around frantically until his eyes landed on a disheveled Betty. 

His eyes, instead of a hateful gaze softened to almost crying himself. 

"Oh Betts, I'm so sorry" he said rushing to her side after closing the door behind him locking it in the process.

Once he reached her she practically fell into his arms and continued to sob. "Juggie what if they're right? What if I am what they say I am?"  she asked.

Jughead pulled her up just enough to look at her and said " Betty you are nothing of what they say about you. Hell I should know I am your boyfriend." Betty giggled at that.

" Thank you Juggie." she said as he leaned down to give her a kiss. 

"I love you Betts" he said and she replied with " I love you WAAAY more Juggie" in a babyish voice.

"Baby Girl no offence but that is in no way possible" he said smirking peppering her face with kisses.

"Well I'm sorry my King but its true whether you believe me or not" she said jokingly.

"How about we love each other an infinite amount?" he asked with a big smile on his face.

She sat in mock thought and after a few seconds responded with "You know what Juggie I think I might just be able to live with that" 

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