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Jughead's POV

Betts was feeling really depressed lately due to her father just being outed as the black hood.

She came up to me during 1st period on one Friday morning and said "Juggie I want to see my father one last time but I need you to be there with me. Will you?" She asked me. I looked at her and said "of course Betts when do you want to go?" She looked at the time and replied with a "now" I was shocked but I got up anyways and we left on my motorcycle to go to the station.

Once we got in there we announced that we were here to see Hal Cooper.

The sheriff let us in and left with a '5minutes'.

"Elizabeth how lovely to see you I knew you would be here." Her father said in a sickingly eerie tone.

"I came to say goodbye dad" Betty said with a stern face.

"And why would you want to do that you know this won't be the last time you see me don't you?" He asked smirking.

"Dad even though you have been a complete failure as a father and an even shittïer human being your still my father and i can choose weather or not I want you in my life" she spoke with a steady voice.

"Elizabeth you know your just like me" he said with a smirk grabbing onto the bars of his cell.

"Ok dïck she is nothing like you. You kill people and abandon those who need you. Betty is the complete opposite and for you to try and tell her any different is stupidly wrong." I said grabbing onto Betty's hand as she pulled me out of the room.

Once the door shut she engulfed me in a huge tight hug. "Thank you Juggie" she said "Betts I want you to know that it's true alright you're nothing like him and don't think that you are ok?" I asked looking at her in the eyes as she nodded.

I grabbed her and pulled her back into the hug. "Juggie can we go back to your trailer i don't want to go back to school" she said with a laugh.

I chuckled and grabbed her hamd and said "yeah let's go" and with that we left the sheriff's station and were on the back of my motorcycle heading back home.

Thank you
For giving me the idea of this and i hope it's ok.
Thanks for reading.

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